When We Met Green Day

sweetest moment

Tre pov
I was so nervous, and those guys crappy timing didnt help much.I thought I was gonna choke up when I asked her. Maybe I shouldn't bother, but i really liked her. I knew she liked me back. Why was i so nervous?? Oh well , here I go I thought to myself.
" Umm, yeh so... Lis... I was wondering...." I didnt know it yet but by now we had a very anxious Billie Mike and Beth watching from my back door.
"Umm ..Tre..."
"weve got company" lisa wispered as she pointed behind her i looked up and saw them. I signaled them to get lost for a sec by shooing them and giving them the middle finger.She laughed at this. I loved her laugh. It was ..... bouncy and well gentle. I dont know how a laugh can be gentle, but hers was.
"So any way ...Lis ....I was wondering if you would like to maybe go out with me sometime?? Like become my girlfreind?" I'd done it. I'd asked her.For a moment or two I felt a wave of releif lift the preasure off my back, But wait, what if she said no. suddenly the preasure was back it was like someone had dropped an invisable ton of bricks on top of my back.Then she spoke. Her voice seemed to lift the bricks off instantly
"Oh Tre, of corse I would. I'd loved to be your girlfreind."She answered.
"Lis, i cant explain how happy youve just made me." He said sounding very relieved.
"Wait, you actually thought I'd say no??" i asked sounding very suprised.
"Well I didn't really know what you'd say" he answered.
"How could I say no to the funniest, sexiest guy alive?" I asked.
"you think Im the funniest, sexiest guy alive? I asked with that look on my face.
"Hell yes!" she answered.
We both laughed.Then I kissed her softly on the lips.I heard giggling so we turned around to see who it was, and suprise suprise it was Billie, Mike and Beth in the window.They all pointed at us and making little heart symbols with theyre hands.We both just gave them the middle finger and carried on talking.
"So you wanna go back inside?" I asked.
"Sure" she replied.
"Okay prepare to get very annoyed by those idiots"I said laughing and pointing towards the window.
"Yep, Here we go" She said as we walked inside.
End pov.

lisa pov
I was just as happy as Tre was possibly happier.We walked inside and went to the fridge and got a bottle of beer to celebrate.
"hahahha hes your loverboy" said Beth, Billie and Mike. they taunted for about half hour but then they got bored because we acted like we didnt care.
"wow!Im thirsty." Mike said. "Im going to get a soda"
"me too."Beth said. They left the room and walked in to the kitchen.
"Hey Lis,Tre Mikes gonna ask Beth out! Like now! Wanna go spy on them?" Billie said.
"Sure" We answered and we krept up to the door and began to listen. Billie stood one side of the door and me and Tre stood the other side holding hands.

"So, umm Beth, would you like to go out with me?" Mike asked."you dont have too, We can just be freinds if you want its just that, i really like you and well...??" He was talking really fast.
"wow! Chill Mike!" Beth wispered. "Yes, Calm down, I'd love to go out with you" She said.
"Oh, cool, Great... so umm lets go before they get suspicous" Mike said looking quite embaressed.We all ran rapidly way from the door and leaped on to the couch to make it look like we wernt listening.
Tre giggled as they sat down and I couildnt help but join in.I made a little heart with my hand around Mike and Beth. Beth just smiled and Mike told me to grow up.
"look whos talking!" Tre butted in. We just laughed.
"So what do you want to do now??" Billie asked. Tre opened his mouth to speak but Billie inturupted him.
"And Tre if you say the bullwinkle Im leaving!"Billie said.
Me and Tre burst in to hysterics.
"Actually I was gonna say another movie? But your idea sounds more fun" Tre said. I started laughing again.
"oh no, not another movie!"Billie complained.
"Well what do you want to to then?" Tre asked.
"umm....I dunno Mike???? any ideas??"Billie replied.
"Nope. beth??" He asked.
"ummm...... Get drunk!!" she yelled.
"Im with her!" Tre yelled.
"Me too!!" I agreed.
"OH I know...."Mike yelled "what about drinking games???"
"Ah ... but which ones?" Asked Billie.
"Dunno" Mike said taking a sip of his "soda" which had been tampered with.It had vodka in it. Beth told me.
"What about.... down it?" Beth sugested.
"Oh god! we play that everytime were near alcohol" I pointed out.
"Yeh, but its fun everytime" said said.
"Why dont we just listen to some music and chill out? while drinking?" Tre asked.
"I like the sound of that" I said.
"Yeh , well you would , lover girl"Billie taunted drawing a heart around us in the air.Tre just laughed again.
"Well im proud to be his "lovergirl"I said giving Billie evil eyes.
"Oh god damn it! can we just do something???"Mike asked.
"Yes!" Tre yelled puting on the CD player. We all settled down and just talked.Tre had his arm around me. Mike and Beth we holding hands nd Billie was a loner, but we felt sorry for him so we told him to sit the other side of Tre.We just talked about how amazing the whole thing had been. Looking back on it , it felt like it was all just a dream. but it couldnt be a dream I mean i was sitting there and i could feel Tres arm around my neck. It was impossible that it was all a dream. I thought I should ask someone jsut to be on the safe side.
"Hey is this all happening? or is it just another of my insane dreams?" I asked Tre.
Everyone laughed.
"no Lis its all real"Tre said.
it was actually happening.Oh my god. This really was amazing.