When We Met Green Day

who's at the door

"So as we were saying, go on Lis guess."Tre prompted.
"I have no idea"I replied.
"Well if we go out next friday if you want I'll show you when we get back." he grinned.
"we'll see" I laughed.
Beth laughed too, Billie and Mike didnt know what we were talking about so they couldnt really laugh, but they were smiling at each other. I didnt know why, but they were.
After another hour of us just laughing and talking there was a knock at the door.
"Who calls at this time it like, quater to one in the morning."Tre said.
"What f it's her?" Billie asked.
"It's not, it can't be, how would she know we were here?"Mike replied
"Well she knows were all together. She could have gone to my house and Addie could have told her."Billie sugested looking seriously worried.
"No problem"Tre said "you guys get upstairs now!"
Mike and Beth ran up the stairs. Billie followed them.
"Okay now, Lis you come to the door with me and convince her theres no one else here but us" He said.
"Okay" I answered also looking seriously freaked out.
Tre and I went to answer the door.It was just Addie.
"hey , just thought I'd pop in to give Billie these" she said handing Tre Billie's tooth brush and some clean clothes for the next day.
"Oh thank fuck its you" said Billies voice from upstairs as the others came running down.
"Hey baby will you do me a favour?" Billie asked Addie.
"Sure, what?"
"don't tell brittney were here if she calls?"
"sure thing babe."
"kay thanks, see ya tommorow baby"
"Unless you want to come in for a bit"Tre inturupted.
"No its cool Ive got the kids in the car" she replied.
"okay well bye Addie" we all shouted.
"Bye guys" she called back.Her Joey and Jake waved from inside the car and we all waved from Tres doorstep.
We walked back inside and settled down agian.We all ended up falling a sleep where we sat.Which for me was in Tre's arms so i was quite happy about that.