When We Met Green Day

to the park

"So after coffee what are we gonna do today?"
"We could..... go to guitar world so I could get a new guitar?"Billie suggested
"I second that!"I yelled.
"No waay!! " Beth yelled back"Last time I went to guitar world with you we spent 8 hours in there! 2 hours with you playin every guitar in the shop half an hour with you shouting yay i touched a gibson. 2 and a half hours begging your mum for a gibson les paul and 3 hours beggiong her to let you have a black bueaty like Billies"
I just giggled.
"We are not going to guitar world!" Mike protested.
"Well i dont see you two coming up with anything"Billie exclaimed.
"Fine, We could go to....starbucks" Mike nagged.
"No we always go to starbucks!" Billie pointed out.
Then Tre walked back in carrying 3 cups of coffee.
"Hey , have you ever thought of being a waiter?" I mocked him.
"oh shut up!" He replied hitting me softly across the back of the head after handing everyone theyre coffee.
"What are you gonna do if I dont?" I asked.
"Bite you!"
"oh really?"
"is that a threat or a promise?"
"Promise, definatly"
"umm... sorry to inturupt but havnt you two already had this conversation once today?"Billie butted in. We both laughed and gve him an "and...." look.
"waitor" I wispered.
"Oh that is it girl your going down"Tre said as he nipped my shoulder gently.
"Oh my gosh! He bit me" I laughed as a bit him back
We began play fighting and messing around.
"hey, you guys its morning, not night. wait for the right time.
"he he, its always the right time Tre teased.
"Addie just called shes takimg joey and jake to the park she asked if we want to go?"Billie exclaimed.
"kay, lets get ready."Mike said and we all got ready and went to the park to meet Addie.