When We Met Green Day

partys, playstaions and moaning bloody teachers

When we got there Billie and Mike sugested we called our teacher to let him know where we were and that we were okay and when we'd be back so that we didnt get in to much trouble.We explained that we couldnt really be in much more trouble seems as we were ment to be in some hostel thing in New York with the rest of the school and we were in California sitting in Billies house with Green Day.Listening to our explaination Tre thought Billie and Mikes idea was a pretty pointless one and suggested we just have a party insted. We thought Tres idea sounded more fun so we had a bit of a party. It was very funny, especailly when Beth "fell" off her chair well we convinced her that she fell but really she was on the floor because me and Tre hads pushed her, she was under influance of alchohol at this pint obviously or she proberbly would have hit me again.Then when it was to late for sir to come and get us we called him and told him where we were and that we were ok and that we were with GREEN DAY!! We then explained that Billie would take us back an air port in New York tomorow evening.Being the coolest teacher ever he said it was ok but we should have told him before we ran away and that we could have been hurt and everyone was worried blah blah blah.
"ok sir sorry sir" we chanted into the phone.Tre began to giggle because we were mimicing sir he asked to speak to one of the guys so we handed the phone to Billie.
"Me why me ??" he asked "Because he wants to talk to a responsable adult and meaning as Mike is drunk and Tre is just, well .... Tre your the only responsable adult here and your god so he'll listen to you" I said."See I have a badge that says so"I exclaimed as I showed him my badge which read "billie joe is god" that I pinned on to my new jacket. he spoke to our teacher Mr. Cochran and assured him we'd be fine then we sat around started playing playstation me Beth and Jake one one team Joey Billie and Tre on the other Mike just lay there and laughed everytime someone died we had a tournament on willy wonka and the chocolate factory. then Billie put the Jake and Joey to bed Tre said that if we wanted a treat tomorrow me and Beth should go to bed too. Joey ran down the stairs and said
"come on girls ill show you where you can sleep"
"aww okay thanks Joey" I answered
"yeh thanks night mike night tre"beth added
"yeh night Tre night Mike, hey are you guys stayin in Billies tonight??"I asked.
"yep sure are" Tre replied
"'kay, night see you in the morning" we said as walked upstairs talking to Joey. we ended up sleeping on a sofa bed in the spare room.We were so excited we couldnt sleep. our dream had just come true we had been hanging out with Green Day all day.It was amazing.We talked for hours but we did eventually fall asleep.