
Ch 1


I stood astonished, side by side with Sammie and Tams, as the growl of a brand new harley whizzed by my ears. My eyes followed the sparkling machine as it sped down the road. Glancing at Tams, I saw she had the same reaction. Sammie leanned in. " who the hell was that?" she whispered. i shook my head, waking from that odd trance. I shrugged "i dunno. Moses?" Sammie gave me a go to hell look. i smirked and thought 'Too late hun. Already there'. She raised her eyebrows but said nothing. i turned on my heel and began walking again. It was the summer of my senoir year in high school and me and the girls were going to the local hang out for our "kind". Our friends were the different group of kids no one wanted anything to do with. As if anyone was really completly the same. Our group were the ones you'd see wearing a7x shirts and banging our heads to heavy metal. The ones with the bright colored mowhawks and facial peircings(ok ok other peircings too but come on now lol) Today was scorching. Well, im guessing it was. i cant feel it but i saw the heat radiating of the blacktop. Oh, you ask why i couldnt feel the excrutating heat? Its simple. Im a vampire and we feel nothing.

O.k. you caught me... that last statement was a bit of an exaggeration. We do feel things like emotions and such. Really the only thing we dont physically feel is the elements. The second thing you are most likley wondering is ' how is this "supposed vampire" out in braod daylight?' You see, we all have these unique gifts. None two are exactly the same. My most proment one is being able to be out in the sun and not burn terribly or shy away from the bright, round, fireball. Others, such as Sammie (yes she is also like me) have to dress in very modest clothes.....aka: hoodie, long pants, long sleeve shirts, glasses, and occasionally a hat. Oh and the strongest sunscreen avaliable. Anyways, as I was saying, the girls and I were walking to the Jukebox to catch up on the latest Avenged Sevenfold news. if you havent already noticed, thats our favorite band of all time. I dont care how many centuries old you are A7X wins hands down. The comes My chemical romance, Metallica, Bullet for my valentine, and of course the ever funny brokencyde. We arrived and continued through the store and straight to the small,cramped, back room. Ive got boyfriend Zachie and his family own this shop. Yes Zach is also a vampire. Really the only mortal we associate with is poor Tams and if she is ever in need of my poison, I will gladly assist her. But until then, she must be a normal ole human.

"Phew, its fucking hot out there" Tams exclaimed as she plopped down on one of the red plastic chairs. Andrew and Jackie, the strawberry blonde boys of the set of triplets, were playing cards on the puke green table in the center of the room. Amy, their sister and other triplet, loomed in tthe corner. Watching my every move with her cold, ruthless, coal black eyes. Amy and I, well we've had our differences in the past. Lets just say we keep or distance. Zachie was on the floor next to Laken my little siter. "Hey babe" i said as i slide down next to him, kissing his cheek "Hey" he replied not looking up. He had just aqquired a new phone, a rythm and he was bluetoothing songs with Laken. "Like i even have to ask but do you want Afterlife and Scream?" Laken asked. He gave her a rasied eyebrowed grin "Hell Yeah!." She giggled "K" After those two songs were transferred, Zachie turned to me, looking into my eyes. 'Sorry baby, I had to get those songs' he thought. Yes, we vampires have telepathy. 'Oh sure....a7x is alot more important then me' I thought with a smirk. ' Well yea.' i widened my clear blue eyes in mock horror. Zachie reached out and stroked my cold cheek with his index finger. 'You no im just messing.' he leaned in and touched his white lips to mine. I leaned in and swiped my tongue against his mouth. He loved when i did that. "Oh gross Zachie. Mom's going to have your ass if you two keep on. You know what Lee does when that happens." I rolled my eyes and looked up at Sammie. "Who the fuck is going to tell Lee? Definetly not you" A low growl escaped my throat and Zachie sqeezed my hand. " Oh shutup. You know i wont but...." she let her voice trail off and her bright green eyes traveled to Amy. She ignored Sammies glare. Sighing I turned back to Zachie and gave hime one quick but passionate kiss, promising more later. He nodded to show he understood. You're proboaly wondering who is Lee and what would he do if that um..."stuff" got out of hand. Well, to make a long story short Lee is our appointed leader over all vampires. He's a very important feared creature. Lee's been our leader since i becaome a vampire in 1803. oNe of Lee's many rules is "No vampire may mate unless he or she is united in matromoney." Which relly sucks some times but i can understand where hes coming from. He doesnt want fights breaking out and all. But it still sucks sometimes. So therefore all of us in the room were indeed virgins. I took out my phone, a simple motorocker, to check what time it was. 6:30 it read. "Laken, its time ot go. Move you're arse." She let out a disgusted groan. "Whatever" but she got up and headed towards the door where her many layers of clothing were waiting to be put on. I waved to Sammie and Tams "Adios. cya later" They gave me curt nodds and i swung open the door, sliping on my sunglasses.

On the way home, i coudln't get the boy on the back of the harley out of my mind. I couldnt help wondering who he was and where he came from. Although, i wouldnt be able to recognize him if he fell dead in front of me. The only real hint of characteristics i could see at the time was the jet black hair peeking out from under the shiny blue helmet. I must have been acting strange our somthing because Laken stoped me with a hand on my arm. "What is wrong with you?" I flipped my sunglasses onto my head and looked down at my black headed green eyed sister. Letting out an exgerated breath, i asked her what the hell she was talking about. "Holy shit dude, Ceciley! your eyes..." She then dug around her purse for a moment. I put a hand on my hip and rolled my eyes. "This is ridiculous Laken. We have to get home before Cat and Tyler have our asses." She said nothing but produced a small compact mirror. "Look" So I humored her and opened up and starred at my normally blue eyes. Like I said NORMALLY blue eyes. Right then I was staring at literally glowing aubrun eyes that were in place of MY eyes. I let out a small gasp. "See? What'd I tell you?" I was speechless. Laken waved her hand in fron of my face "Ceciley? Hello?" I snapped the compact shut and handed it back. "So what? My eyes are a different color. The worlds going to end." " But--but" " Lets go Laken!" And I continued to walk back to the house, wondering what the hell?

'Damn' I thought to myself ' Look at her.' There standing on the sidewalk next to a redheaded girl and what I assumed to be a girl in all black, stood the most beautiful creature Ive ever seen. With features carved as if by angels, her image haunted my thoughts. I sped by then, trying to catch her eye. "Ive got to find out who that is" i murmured to myself as i pulled into Morgans driveway. I made a face as I took off my dark blue helmet. ' What the heck? I wasnt usually like this. I dont need a girl.' And I tried to ignore the fact that her face kept creeping into my mind. I quickly raped my knuckles on Morgans door. "Its open!" i heard called form the inside. i thrwe the door open. " Boy. You better be glad i wasnt going to come in here and butt rape you!" "Dude, Ian! When the hell did you get back?" morgan shouted as he jumped of his cream colored couch. "Just bout 15 minutes ago." i said punching his arm. "Aww, Im touched you came to see me first." he said with fake emotion, holding his hand to his chest. "Who tha fuck else am i going to go see. i dont know anyone else in this town. " "Oh yea forgot. So what have you been doin since you escaped after graduation?" "Ah nothing just seeing the sites and that" i said witha shrug. " Oh hey man, you think i can crash her for a little bit?" Morgan stared at me blankly. " yea... like i care? ill be like old times dude!" i grinned "k, well im going to go get my shit of the bike." "Hold up... bike?" " oh yea i ditched the old truck and bought a brand new harley." "Dude your Screwing with me." "Like hell i am! come check her out." Morgan rushe dout the door and sucked in a breath. "Jesus Christ Ian. its freakin awesome." and then for emphasis he hit hi knees and started bowing. i looked up to the heavens. "get up before the neighbors think somthing wrong." i said tugging on his shirt. he let out a hearty chuckle and got up. "Wouldnt be the first time." then I laughed at how true that statement was. I snatched my knapsacks off the back and followed Morgan back inside.
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ok i officailly dedicate this story to laur laur. lauren i didnt tell u this but ur ceciley... well wen i created her image i was thinking a bit of u. lol any ways any one who reads this please tell me wat u think an dif i shoudl keep on. i dont care how been ur thoughts r plz leave comments... thank you!---kitty