Rescue Me

The first time in a long time

Chrissa POV

James came home at about one in the morning he was drunk again. Oh did I mention that? Well James has a drinking problem it’s not his fault I should have been more supportive and caring. I should have helped him quit. I guess I’m just a shitty girl friend. I tried to help him to be but he pushed me away. When he finally made it to the bed I crawled in beside him. He didn’t touch at all, he slept on the far corner of the bed.

I woke up the next morning to him screaming. I looked at the clock and noticed I was running late so I decided to call in sick to work. James came in screaming at me.

“I am so sick of you, you little slut. You always come home late when you have nothing to be doing. I want you out of this house by tomorrow. Do you hear me?”

“Y-yes James”

He left me there. As soon as he was gone I decided to have a day to myself and try to figure out where I was going to go from there3. I have no family. I mean I left the fucking country when I was 18 there is no way I could go to them. I have no clue what I’m going to do fro a place to stay. I guess I'll get a hotel room or something.

For today I decided I was going to the beach. I might as well have a little fun and I had my savings. James didn’t know about them or they would have been blown on alcohol. I put on my swim suit with a tank top over it and threw a jacket on. I walked to my closet and grabbed some extra clothes and stuffed them into a messenger bag and headed out. This was going to be my day.

When I got to the beach I went to a secluded area and laid a towel down and laid down. It was a beautiful day no more than 80 degrees. I bet the water felt great. I pulled my jacket off and laid their hoping to just be able to relax in the first time for a very long time.
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comments please I need some feed back poeple I want to know if it's good or not. If you comment we might get a viste from Tom in the next chappie and possibly Bill.
