Rescue Me

Hey bro

Toms POV

What the hell am I going to do now? I’m sitting at the coffee shop waiting for Bill. I can’t help, but let the tears stain my face. I love her and I’m such a fuck up. I looked up when I heard a ringing sound saying someone came into the shop. I saw Bill standing in the door way scanning the room for me. He walked over to me.

“Hey bro” He greeted me.

“Bill, I don’t know what to do. I fucked up majorly with her. She said she forgives me, but… I don’t know I just…I hate myself for cheating on her.”

By the time I finished that sentence I was sobbing into Bills shoulder. I loved her and no matter what she said I know she will not want to forgive me for this.
I sat in that coffee shop for the next hour crying to Bill about how I fucked up. I hated myself for hurting her. She deserved so much better than that. I just wished she would have found a better guy to be with then me. I love her, but she deserves a lot more than me. Someone who would be faithful to her.

Bill led me to my car and helped me into the passenger seat. I spent the ride home trying to compose myself.
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It's like really short but Iz has writers block on this story.
