You Again!

I Got It!

~*~*~ Dawn's POV

Alina drove to Nick's house and parked silently. We walked through the front door, very quietly. I heard Jamie's voice and walke dover. I quickly picked the lock and it opened.

"Dawn!" he said softly walking quietly over to me.. I smiled and we snuck back out and went outside,"Alina. Take Jamie back to the house." I replied and she nodded taking Jamie with her. He didn't argue. I walked over and cut off the power to their house and ran..

I heard a growl behind me but I ran into the woods fast.. The sun was setting.. Damn no light.. I was in the middle of the woods too.

Something grabbed me and I shrieked and It continued running the same way I was..

"Dawn. It's me calm down," Bill replied and I held onto him as he ran..

"I could've made it by myself," i said stubbornly and he chuckled..

"Sorry baby. You're a mortal. you can't see that well at night," he smiled..

"I can so.. If I had a flashlight," I muttered smiling as he chuckled again. I just smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.. We appeared at the house and he walked in normally..

"In the living room," Alina called smiling.. I smiled. She has my voice but Bill's accent. it's so adorable.

Bill walked into the living room still carrying me..

"We have a slight problem mom," Alina said and I looked at her not getting down.

"What is it Alina?" I asked and she sighed..

"They're on their way here," she stated and Bill and I groaned..

"Alina. Go upstairs with Jamie." I replied and she nodded. She ran up the stairs to his room as Bill set me down.. The doorbell rang and we froze..
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