You Again!


**Willow's pov**

Nick walked back to me growling.

"Babe are you ok?" I asked as he got over to me.
"No love. I'm not. Come on." He said grabbing my arm.
"Nick we need to find Emisse!!" I said.

Emisse(M-issy) is our little girl. We found her on the streets a few years ago. She was only 3 and now shes 5. So we took her in and raised her like our own little girl.

"Here I am mommy!!" I heard behind me.

I turned around and saw my little girl. I picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"Stop running away from me." I said and she giggled.

"Sorry mommy. Some guy grabbed my hand and told me he'd give me candy."

I looked at Nick and then back at Em.

"Don't do that!" I said as we started walking out of the air port.

We got into a car and Nick drove us to our new villa. We got out and Em helped us with bags. We walked in and Nick kissed me.

"Welcome home." He said.

Then everthing seemed to stop. The living room vanished and I was standing in our kitchen with Nick beside me yellling at some girl. Then I was running in the forest with Emisse in my arms. Nick was no where to be seen. I heard Nick's voice and then I was in our living room again.

"Love what did you see?" He asked me.
"Uh..You. You were in the kitchen talking to some girl. Then-then I was running in the forest with Em in my arms. I was worried and scared."
"Dawn." He said under his breath and he walked up the stairs.

Dawn? She was still here?

I shook my head and ran up stairs with Nick.
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M's turn! I'll have a pic of Emisse soon!
Thanks for the name M!