You Again!

Wrapped Around Her Finger

!~!~! Dawn's POV

Willow hugged Jamie and he was confused but he hugged her back..

"Jamie. it's Willow," I replied and shock appeared on his face too

"Willy!" he said hugging her tightly. She laughed..

"What happened to our baby boy?" she asked and Jamie looked at me..

"He grew up," I whined and we all laughed. We walked into the kitchen and start cutting up with each other then Nick appeared..

"Willow. We're going home.. Now!" he demanded..

"Leave her alone Nick.. She came here. She can stay," I hissed but he picked her up and walked ot the door. Bill appeared and I pushed Jamie a little and grabbed a stake aimed and I threw it. Nick ducked just as it hit the wall. he set Willow down and lounged at me. I hit the wall hard. Bill came and pulled him off of me..

"Bitch! You'll never kill me!" he hissed.

"I Keep my promise," I snapped back.. He smirked. Bill held me back by my arms.. Nick ran over grabbed Jamie and him and Willow ran..

"Jamie! Noi! Bill let me go!" I yelled but he didn't. I elbowed him and he groaned loosing his grip and I pulled away and ran.. I was running to his house..

"Dawn! Don't be stupid!" Bill said behind me.. I stopped and looked at him coldly..

"No. You don't fucking be stupid! he has my little brother! Jamie's my responsibility! Not yours mine. I don't care what you say! I'm going after him!" I stated firmly and started to run but Bill grabbed my arm..

"No you won't." Bill snapped and I looked at him..

"Let go of me," I said but he didn't and I struggled. he just picked me up and ran back to our house!

"LET ME GO! JAMIE!" I screamed sturggling harder.. But my strength did match a vampires.. I was stuck..

"Daddy! What the hell are you doing?' Alina's voice rang from in front of us..

"You're mother is about to do something stupid." he replied..

'Where's JAmie?' she asked and I huffed..

"Nick kidnapped him and your father won't let me go and get him back," I stated and she gasped..

"Daddy! Let mom go! That's her little brother!" Alina replied.. Bill sighed and set me down..

"You drive her," he stated handing ALina keys.

"We'll be safe daddy. I promise,' she smiled.. Thank god, my daughter had Bill around her little finger like I did.. I wonder where she gets the smooth talking from.. Yeah. I have no idea..

We walked outside and got into the car then Alina drove me rather quickly to Nick's. I'm getting my little brother back..

!~!~ Bill's POV

I sighed.. What did I just do? I realized that they might be or get hurt. I didn't want to fight. But.. I took off running to Nick's house. I have to support my girls after all..
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