Early Sunsets Over Newark

One Way Down A Street. Don't Look! Collide!

I felt woozy, and car sick. The bus hadn't even started moving yet. All I knew was that it was ten o'clock and Sammy swore she would be here at eight o'clock. My heart pumped faster and I felt like i had gained twenty pounds in three minutes. My stomach growled at me, not hungry- but upset. I was nervous, and scared. I felt more than relieved when she came walking onto the bus with her bookback in hand.

"Sammy! I was waiting! What the hell happened?!"

I sighed, and then shook my head.

"Forget about it. Let's just get out of here. I'm tired of home."

Sammy sighed, sitting down in an open seat on the tour bus and leaning back. She was finally leaving home, and she wasn't going to regret it. At least not as far as I could tell. She pulled up her hood and tapped her fingers against her arm, humming the tune to "Early Sunsets Over Monroeville", barely paying attention to anything but the road.

I took the seat opposite and clung onto my keyboard, starting to play along. I couldn't help but smile. That past summer my parents had sent me away for vocal camp and I had missed my only friend in the whole wide world. In a non-lover's way, she was everything to me. She was like my younger sister, and I was more than happy to carry her out of this hellhole they called,"Jacksonville". The first half of the ride was okay. I got tired quickly, finding myself bored very easily. I put my keyboard away under my bunk and then walked up towards the front of the bus, taking the seat next to Sam. I nudged her, trying to wake her up.

"Hey, sleepy mc-morning breathe. I have to tell you something...."

Sam pushed me away, turning over in her sleep and yawning.

"Please, not now." She mumbled, falling back asleep.

I sighed, getting up and heading to the back of the bus towards my bunk. I knew that the truth would come out eventually; it always did. The question was how loud would it be? Would she be angry? Would she cry? I turned around and took a look at Sammy as she left in her seat. And then, suddenly the bus shifted and a loud screeching noise hit my ear drums as our bus was collided with something.

I felt my heart and my jaw drop as I looked at the bus driver.

"Don't look at me!"

i sighed, letting out an annoyed shriek as I ran off the bus, seeing a larger, newer tour bus behind ours, with hardly any damage. My tour bus, however; had it's whole back side crashed in. I let out another high-pitched shriek as I covered my face and Sammy walked up behind me.

"What the.. FUCK!"

I felt my eyes swell with tears. This was my first tour, my first tour bus. I had spent all my college money on it since I didn't know if I was ever going to go to college.

From the other bus, out stepped a short boy; his hair up in a mohawk.

"What the hell is your problem? Do you know how to drive!"

Sammy shifted her weight.

"Excuse me? You're the ones who fucking ran into us, you asshole!"

The short boy groaned and grinded his teeth, still standing in the dark. I couldn't make out his appearance at all, except for the fact he had a huge attitude problem. Fortunately for me, so did Sammy.

I clutched at my chest.

"My... bus."

Sammy scoffed, turning back to the short boy.

"I hope you have a million dollars; cause you're going to pay for this! All of it! And, you're going to say you're sorry to my friend!"

The boy snorted, like the simple idea was offending to him.

"I don't owe you shit!" he turned to run back onto his bus, until another short figure stepped out into the darkness, another boy with his arms crossed.

"I'm really sorry about him. He's an asshole. I'm relaly sorry about the bus, too. We'll actually be very happy to pay for everything. Just please don't tell anybody."

Oh god, here came the tears. I could feel the streams of wet run down my cheeks, and then I reached out for Sammy tightly.

"My bus! Sammy, it's my bus!" I whined.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! 143, Sammy!

Chapter title is lyrics from one of Miyavi's songs. :]