Early Sunsets Over Newark

Late Night Talks And Body Malfunctions

I hardly slept that night. I wanted to know who I would be seeing for the next few days. I had smoked about five packs of cigarettes, and could hear Terra snoring on the couch as I sat on the other one looking out to the outside world.

I was thankful that Terra had helped me escape my home life. I didn't think anything like this would actually happen to me, only in my dreams and writing. I took a long drag of my cigarette. By now a normal persons throat would be sore, but I wasn't the most sanest person alive.

"Still up? It's four am." I turned around to see a half way naked Frank, smirking. I chuckled and nodded, turning back to the moon lit land scape. "couldn't sleep?"

I felt the spot next to me sink in. I looked at him and shook my head. "The anticipation is driving me mad. The agony of my broken rib is killing me slowly. My thoughts keep wondering to a few months back then all over again. I heal on the outside, but I can never heal on the inside." I said, taking a long drag of my cigarette. My voice was low, in an angels sort of way.

"What do you mean by you heal on the outside, but not on the inside?" Frank asked. I felt his eyes on my face. I looked at him and gave him a weak smile. I wasn't going to load my problems on this boy. Everyone has enough problems without having to deal with someone else's. "Sam." I turned and looked out the window again. A ring of smoke engulfed us, I didn't mind; well neither did Frank. I felt his cold hand on my knee, I let my eyes trace up his arm, up his chest and neck until I met his eyes. "Please let me help you."

"You're helping me now more then you know." I whispered. I took the last drag of my cigarette, before I scrapped it on the bottom of the ash tray. "Leave it at that, yeah?"

That afternoon everyone was up. I sat next to Terra tapping my foot as we pulled up to a ware house where the mystery band was.

"Sam, if you don't stop being so inpatient, you are going to give yourself a heart attack." Terra laughed. I glared at her, then my face softened when I noticed that she was right. I was running empty and I was highly irritable.

"Sam, we are here." Gerard laughed. I looked at him and pictured him as a bird with his feathers falling off. I laughed for a few seconds then my attention when I saw the front door of the tour bus opened. I stood up. When the band walked in my body was tense. My throat was dry. My heart stopped beating. My lungs were yelling and cursing, to breath, so they continue with their job.

It was them?

Out of all the bands in the world, it was THEM?
♠ ♠ ♠
Woop woop!
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You'll find out who the mystery band is in the next chapter, promise.

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