Early Sunsets Over Newark

A Wild Ride

The door of the tour bus opened, and both Sammy and I rose to our feet. I heard laughing, and though it was familiar to me, I told myself that it was impossible. I kept telling myself that it was, until I finally realized it wasn't. Brian Elwin Haner Jr. took three steps onto our tour bus and I felt my eyes swell with little fangirl tears. I grabbed Sammy's arm as my body starting to tremble and then Zacky stepped onto the bus, hugging Frank like they were close friends. I suddenly felt a little sick.

Mikey wrapped his arm around me in a friendly way and then leaned in close to my ear.

"Are you okay Terra?"

I nodded very, very slowly as Jimmy walked up to me, reaching out his hand.

"hey, I'm Ji-"

I interrupted him. I hadn't meant to. It was another word vomit moment that I regretted. I clutched onto his hand, not looking away from his eyes.

"You're Jimmy. Er, The rev though; right? Avenged Sevenfold?!" I turned toward Gerard with wide eyes.

"Why didn't you just tell us?! Now we look like idiots, and I think Sam's having a seizure!"

Just then, she elbowed me hard in the side and I winced in pain, like a baby. Jimmy stepped back a little and Brian laughed.

"Well; maybe he didn't squeal cause we like our privacy, eh?"

I turned to stare at him. He looked just like he did in his pictures. So amazing, so hot. I swallowed hard and then played with my own fingers.

"Well; it would have been nice. I mean, it's not like we're stalkers or anything. But we could have prepared or something."

Zacky shook his head.

"No, no. It's fine. just great. Don't worry about it. You should see Brian when he's had a few drinks." Zacky began to laugh and Brian tried to knee him in the nuts. Then, he looked scared.

"Woah, Brian! That's not funny, man!"

Gerard scoffed a little and Frank busted into laughter while I looked over at Sam. This was going to be a wild ride.