Early Sunsets Over Newark

The Life & Times of a Rockstar

I looked over at Sam, a smile on my lips and a shimmer in my eyes. I held out my hand in the shape of half a heart to Sam's so that we made a heart together; and Mikey tilted his head to the side, smirking.

"That's so cute!" He squealed, clapping his hands together until he got awkward looks from everyone else on the bus. I busted out into laughter, along with Sammy as he held each other's arms.

"Thanks, I guess; Mikey." I muttered, looking next to me; up at Jimmy. This entire night he had been talking to me; asking me questions about my music, and if I'd ever be interested in playing for him. It didn't take a genius to figure out he was hitting on me. It was almost like the way Brian couldn't take his eyes off of Sam, and the way his eyes filled with softness when he asked if she was alright. It was like a dream; something Sammy could only write about in her stories. If it was a dream; i didn't want to wake up. I had never been surrounded by such amazing people. I had spent my whole life trying desperately to scratch my way out.

When I went to the avenged bus with Jimmy, I gave Sammy a hug. She was drinking a bottle of booze by herself and talking to Brian about how much she loved his solos. I didn't want to worry about her. The last time I'd seen her drunk, i ended up having to push her back to my house in an abandoned shopping cart. I looked around the bus at everyone still awake; knowing they would take care of her. I sighed, and then Jimmy grabbed me by the arm.

"Come on..."

I nodded slowly, and then stepped off of the bus and into the cold. I immediately looked up at the night time sky and fell in love with the glitter filled sky. Jimmy just paused at the door of the other bus, a little confused.

"Are you okay?"

I turned to see his expression; and then back to the stars. I nodded before starting to follow him. The avenged bus was much larger than the other. The sides were painted black; and Matt sat on the sofa playing a customized HD playstation. I smirked at that, and he instantly smiled and nodded a 'hello' to me.

"How do you like the bus? Wicked, no?" He smiled egotistically and I laughed a little.

"Yeah. It's pretty great. One could only dream of having such a bus."

He laughed and so did Jimmy, and I instantly felt a rush of pride. I had a feeling we would all get along very well. I took a seat by Matt and watched him play Tenchu; a video game I hadn't seen since I was fifteen and teaching my nephew to play video games. He offered me the controller, and I gratefully accepted, impressing even myself with the way all of the controls came back to me.

Jimmy sat down on the other side of me, and eventually grabbed the second controller for co-op play. Meanwhile Matt decided he would go to bed, and left us alone. I couldn't help but be nervous.

It started with his cold fingertips. They tickled the side of my neck when he pulled my hair away from my face and behind my shoulder. I shuddered lightly at the feeling of goosebumps forming over my skin. I couldn't look at him directly, but from the corner of my eyes I could have sworn that I saw him smirk. He kissed my cheek lightly and I let out a small giggle; unintended to even be heard. He started to laugh as my face turned red and I scooted away from him a bit.

He looked down, keeping his hands to himself. I could feel my body start to tremble from nervousness and I felt a rush of cold air around me.

"I see." was all he could say, standing up and walking to the back of the bus towards a table. I told myself not to look, but I instantly resisted and turned around, seeing him eye me up and down.

"If you're scared, you shouldn't be." He spoke softly. I could barely hear him, and in my surprised emotion; I just stared blankly. "It's not half bad, you know." He added, smirking and looking down, away from me. Honestly, I wouldn't know at all. Then again, what could be better than losing your virginity to a rockstar? I didn't want to think about it. He'd been with a million and one women in his lifetime, and I was too insecure. I stood up, and walked towards the door of the bus. I turned around and smiled as friendly as I could.

"Goodnight, Jimmy." I whispered. He started to laugh, in utter disbelief as I stepped off the bus and back towards the other. I could hear Frank and Brian laughing, and instantly felt an ache in my stomach.

When i stepped through the door and up the steps; Brian and Sammy werent seen; and Frank sat laughing on the sofa, staring over at me.

"How was your tour?" he asked, sarcastically as he smirked. I shrugged, taking the seat next to him. "It's a cool bus, Frankie. I sometimes wonder how much more money they must make than you."

Frank instantly stopped laughing and glared down at me, his jaw open. I yawned and rested back in my seat. "I think it's bedtime Frank. You might wanna scoot over." He gritted his teeth and stood up, getting off the bus and I smiled at myself. I had a feeling this was only going to be easier if we could keep putting Frank's attitude in it's real place.