Early Sunsets Over Newark

Words Are Not Left Unspoken

I heard the word food and sighed. I didn't have a hang over, I never got them. I turned on my back and looked at Brian, who was smiling. What did I expect? I smiled at him, and looked around the bunk area. I could tell it wasn't any of the My Chem boy's bunks, so that only left Avenged Sevenfold.

Sighing, I sat up and the sheet fell. I felt a odd breeze. It was like my breast was out in the open. I looked down. My breath caught in my throat. I could hardly breath. I looked at the trash can next to the bed. I was gasping for air and couldn't get anything. I felt my blood run cold. What had happened last night?

"Samantha, are you alright?" Brian asked, worry flooded his tone. He looked at me and bit his lower lip. He handed me my shirt and, pants?!?

I looked at him with confusion. My eye brows close together, with me deep in thought. I was trying to replay the whole night in my mind. I got a few pieces together. The drinking, me mostly; he hardly drank anything. The bunk. The kiss. His hand. My face softened as everything came together. I narrowed my eyes. I threw on my shorts and shirt.

"Sam?" Brian questioned. He looked worried not for my actions but for his life. He got off of the bunk bed while I knocked him on the floor.

I went out of the bunk area. Both bands were out in the living room. While they ate they talked and laughed. I stood in front of them, my arms pressed firmly across my chest. I felt my cheeks burn. My virginity was gone. I was saving that for who ever I married. I wanted to be in love. I wanted to be sober so I could remember the moment. Now all I remembered was a few bits and pieces. I was mad at myself, I was mad at him. He was sober and he did that knowing I was drunk.

"Sammy, are you alright?"

I heard the sentence. It was faint for my ears. It pulled me from my thoughts and looked at the people. My eyes landed on Terra. "Sammy, you're crying..." Terra's voice trailed. She sat still. She had never seen my tears fall silently before, they always came along with sobs. Not this time.

"What happened?" Her voice timid. She looked worried and ready to kick any ones ass. She glared at Frank, who sighed.

"I didn't do it." Frank said raising his hands. I sat back and took a sip of his diet coke. The whole room had fell silent. Everyone's eyes were on me. I didn't care, normally I would have a smart ass remark for them all, but I didn't care this time. I felt ill and violated. I wanted to laugh it off and go with that secondary virgin thing, but I couldn't muster up anything. I felt broken, again.

"Sam?" Matt's tone was just as worried at Terra's, if not more. He rised to his feet. He started to walk towards me. Terra grabbed his belt loop and tugged him back. He looked at her with confusion.

"I wouldn't if I were you." Terra warned. Her voice was serious. Her face was painted with worry, curiosity and madness. Matt nodded and took his seat.

I heard his foot steps coming from the bunk area and he walked to where he stood in front of me. Facing me. Bad move on his part. I narrowed my eyes. I felt my nostrils flare.

"How dare you." I hissed. My voice was low, but husky. He looked guilty, in more ways then one. He sighed.

"Sam. Please, let me expl-"

I cut him off. He didn't get to talk, to tell me what had happened. What was he going to say? Was he going to tell me that I begged for it? That I forced myself on him? That wasn't going to fly with me.

"Shut the fuck yup and fucking listen. You got to say enough last night. Not using your words but your hands and other things!" I yelled. He pressed his lips into a thin line. A deep growl came from my throat. "What in the hell gives you the right?" I hissed.

"Sam.." His voice trailed. He looked sorry and his voice showed remorse. Did he really feel guilty or was he playing me like a pawn on his chess board?

"I am fucking abstinent you son of a bitch! I was a virgin! V-I-R-G-I-N! I was saving it for the first guy I married. I didn't want to be drunk when it happened! I wanted to remember it! You fucking stole it from me! I was drunk! You were not." I yelled at the top of my lungs. I felt all of the band members eyes on me. I didn't care. My throat was dry and scratchy from yelling after consuming so much liquor the night before. I wasn't even close to being done with him. Not by a long shot. "I was molested by a guy one year older then you at my friends house! At my fucking friends house damn it! I told him to stop but he wouldn't. His hand were so rough and dry against my skin. He let his hands roam the most forbidden places on my body. I didn't trust any guys at all. Congratulation's Haner, you just made it to where I now think that all of the male population are disgusting pigs!" I screamed. I saw a few tears run down his flushed cheeks. His nose was red; he sniffled.

I walked up to him. I got right into his face. The tip of my nose touched his. I felt him shudder. "I fucking hate you Brian Elwin Haner Junior." I said in a normal voice. Hate and venom dripped off of my words. I grabbed a bottle of JD and went to the bathroom.

"Samantha!" I heard Terra yell, running after me. I quickly shut and locked the bathroom door. I backed away from the pounding of the door. My back was pressed up against the wall. I slowly sank down to my ass, letting my head slam against the white tile. I didn't check to see if I was bleeding, I popped open the bottle of liquor and started to chug it, with my eyes closed.

Brian's POV

Samantha took a bottle of JD and ran to the bathroom. I felt more tears fall from my eyes. I had hoped that deep down inside, she didn't hate me. Hell, I hated me right now. I felt my body shake as tears came out of my eyes. I sat in between Gerard and Matt. I rested my head in my hands. I sobbed quietly.

I heard both Gerard and Matt clear their throat over my sobs.

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