Early Sunsets Over Newark

Brownie Points

I nodded and stomped on my cigarette. I wasn't that intoxicated. I was a bit buzzed, but not really. I dismissed Ray's comment. I walked inside to see full jungle madness and it wasn't going away. Sighing, I walked around to go find Mikey.

I had this strange feeling that he would connect with the kids because he was suck a tattle tale. I found him in the 'story circle'. A bunch of five and six year old surrounded him. I went up to him and tapped my foot. Nothing. I cleared my throat. He kept talking like he hadn't heard my sounds.

"Mikey!" I yelled. He stopped talking and looked at me.

"Sam." He smiled widely, but he looked slightly annoyed with my interrupting his story telling. "What's up?"

"Time to round up the guy's and leave." I said. He sighed and nodded, hugging each one of the kids. He looked more like the modern Michael Jackson then Ray said about himself.

After his good bye's we decided to split up and have everyone of the guys we found to wait outside. I walked one direction and he walked another. The smell of the building made me want to vomit, but I held back.

I turned a yellow corner to find Gerard with a kid on each leg and one on his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled.

"Time to go." I said. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling as if he was thanking God. "Go wait outside in front of the building."

I walked around a bit. I found Matt, Zack and Frank. I walked them to the door. I didn't bother to see if we ad everyone.

"Only one more." Mikey stated sipping his coffee. I nodded and walked around until I saw the back side of someone.

"Time to leave." I said as I stood behind who ever it was. The person stood up and turned around.

"Sammy...." Brian pleaded in a soft voice. His eyes were puffy and red. His cheeks were tear stained. He looked rather pale. He walked towards me.

Surprisingly I let his hand caress my face softly. A new bath of tears formed behind is eyes as they fell. I felt bad for him. He looked so upset and troubled over it. I sighed, much to my dismay it came out shaky.

"I am so sorry." Brian whispered. His voice cracked at the end. More tears fell as the seconds went by. He made his breath normal again before he spoke. "I am an idiot. I am sorry for last night. I am sorry about everything that has happened to you in your life."

I shrugged, my arms folded tight across my chest. "It's not your fault that my life has been shit." I mumbled, my eyes locked with his. I couldn't forgive him for taking away my most prised possession, but I could give him points for crying about me saying that I hated him. "Come on. You smell like ass, your taking a shower when we get back to the bus." I sighed, taking his hand and leading him outside where the whole crew awaited us.

Time Elapse

When we got back to the bus Frank took a shower. Right when we had been a mile down the road he tossed his vomit covered shirt away. When he got out, Brian got it. I sat in the living area with the guys and Terra.

I glared at Matt with hate. "Liquor run my ass Sanders!" I hissed playfully throwing a pillow at him.

He laughed and put it under his arm. "Hey, it was the only way to get you out of the bathroom." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes. The My Chem boys had went back to their bus all except Terra, Frank, Gerard and I.

"Hey Way, don't we have a score to settle with Haner?" Matt asked. A sly smirk appeared on his face. Gerard snorted and nodded.

"A fucking major ass kicking." Gerard said bluntly. "I am going to let him get out of the shower, and get dressed before I do anything. You should do the same thing." Gerard plotted.

Terra smiled at me. "This should be fun." She smiled evilly, making me bust out laughing. I covered my mouth with my hand and nodded.

"This is not only going to be expressive but entertaining!"
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