Early Sunsets Over Newark

It Was Witen In Blood

After Brian headed for the bunk room when he got out from his shower, Gerard and Matt gave each other cold stares and then stood up and both of them followed Brian into the bunk room. I simply cringed after hearing the door lock. What were they planning to do? The answer became obvious when I could hear Matt yelling, following by what sounded like a smack; and Gerard was screaming at the top of his lungs. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. Probably because if anyone was going to beat Haner down; it was going to be me.

I stood up then ran to the door, banging with out warning. There was a sudden silence inside of the room, and then I heard Matt and Gerard whispering. It was only a moment later that the door opened and Matt blocked the entry way, and my sight into the room. I didn't look into the room. I could sense what was going on.

"Can I help you?" Matt asked grinning from ear to ear. I shook my head and swallowed hard, looking down at my feet. I was wearing black and white Kuromi socks, which were fuzzy on the inside to keep my feet warm. I studderend when I finally began to speak. "Can I come in?" I asked looking up at him, and Matt paused. He stared at me as if he was lost in thought. I clearned my throat and he seemed to straighten out before looking behind him, and opened the door wider for me to step though.

Brian sat on the bottom bunk to the right, his face was bright red and Gerard stood infront of him with his arms crossed tightly over his chest as he stared down. They both turned to look at me, in amazement; they stared Matt down as if I wasn't allowed in there at the moment. Matt widened his eyes and muttered. "I couldn't help it! She did the look!"

I smirked then looked back to the other boys. Gerard rolled his eyes and Brian looked like he was about to cry. Gerard walked over to me and placed his arms around my shoulders in a light hug, his lips close to my ear. I held my breath.

"I want you girls to trust me."

I nodded and he backed up, smirking. "Okay." I mumbled. "And so?" Gerard swallowed hard. "So, Samantha didn't like Brian taking advantage of her so Matt and I are taking care of it."

I shook my head. I felt for Brian, but in the same token; Sammy was my best FRIEND! I should have been involved from the start. I grumbled and then Gerard tilted his head. "Does this bother you?"

I groaned, then nodded slowly. "You think!? Samantha has been my brother for as long as I can remember. She is my responsibility, so I should be the one taking care of this; not you guys!"

Gerard shrugged and then nodded. "Okay then.." He said softly. He looked over at Brian, a large devilish grin on his sweet lips.

I almost choked when he stared back at me, his eyes dark and clouded over; sexy and glaring.

"Have at it then." He suggeted holding out a hand to offer up Brian for punishing. I swallowed hard, and then looked at Brian. I didn't want to hurt him. Then again, in a way he hurt Sam. Of course, it seemed like he was already suffering for it. Of course, not as much as Sam; especially after everything she had gone through her entire life.

I swallowed hard, taking an uneasy step forward. Then I looked at Brian again; he was no longer Brian. I was suddenly confused. He had turned into someone else completely. Now, he was Ruby. I felt disgusted in my chest and tears swelled up in my eyes. I balled my hands into a tiny fist and tried to not think about him this way. I closed my eyes tight and sighed, but when I opened them again; he was still Ruby, sitting on the edge of the bunk looking up at me with disbelief.

I raised my fist up slowly and then stuck him hard across his face. My nails scratched his skin and he beagun to slightly bleed as he crised out in pain. Gerard pulled me back in shock; I could hardly believe it myself. I pulled myself away from Gerard's grip and stumbled out of the bunk area. Zacky noticed me unwell and followed me and into the hot into the hot sun. I stumbled around a bit int the hot sand of Texas and then fell to the ground on my ass and suddenly started to cry.

Zacky sat down next to me, wrapping his arms around me sweetly and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Are you okay, gorgeous?" He whispered.

I swallowed hard, crying silently. But when I felt his cold hand surround my own, I burst out in rouch hard sobs. I couldn't explain. There was no way to start. There were no words to describe what it is like to have the person who means the most to you is the person who needs the most help. I wanted to take her away from everything she had ever known, even though she had loved it in some way. I wanted her to experience what it was like to actually live on this side. I wanted her to see what a normal life was supposed to be like; that it wasn't her fault. But how could I explain this to Zacky?

"It started with them." I sobbed. I could remember standing the crisp cold air of the winter. Zacky was paying pull attention to me now, curious and wanting to not be confusedany more then he had to be. I swallowed hard, trying not to cry too much. "The first day I met her, she first words I said; it all started with My Chemical Romance. Her black shirt; the black parade."

Zacly's gaze moved from me to the tour bus and he held his breath if only for a moment before looking back down at me, holding my hand tighter, without sqeezing her too tight. I sniffled. It was so hard to look back on the past. When Sam had decided to come with me, to ray away, we had agreed to forget about it all.

We sayt outside in the blishering hear for what seemed like ever. I ranted on about everything. About Ruby, about Sam's black eye. About my first boyfriend, about Sam's first boyfriend while she was in my life. I talked about my family that I had left behind for the sake of Sam, and about all the fights I had with my sister.

By the time I was done and could finally see past the tears in my eyes the sky was dark. I laid down in the desert dust, and Zacky laid beside me in complete silence. I had never seen him so quiet. When he realized I was done speaking, he grabbed my hand again. I started to tremble and he scooted closer. I held my breath as his face drew closer to mine. There was close to no distance between us and I could feel the warmth of his breath on my skin. He didn't blink, not even once. He was still and staring. Then, suddenly, without warning; he leaned closer his soft warm lips met my own. I started to tremble again, and I could feel goose bumps raising up on my skin, all over the place. A part of me wanted to push him away for trying to take advantage of me like Brian had donw to Sam. The other part of me wanted him to stay right where he was. When he pulled away, but not to far, something else took over me that wasn't me took ahold of my body. My arms reached out and wrapped around him. My hands clutched the back of his shirt pulling him back to me, our lips met again. HIs lips opened inviting and trusting. My tongue slithered into his mouth, slowly and teasing and I couldn't help but moan at the taste and feel of his mouth. The warmth that I had been searching for. His hands carressed my cheeks , then his fingers wandered into my hair. He twisted and curled through the straight, holding me towards him. Just then Gerard stepped off the bus, clearing his throat at the sight of us, Zacky jumped to his feet straight away. He whiped his mouth as if it were covered in illegal chocolate. I sort of felt offended until I saw the look of disappointment on Gee's face. I swallowed hard and Gerard stomped over, holding out his hand to help me up. I looked up at him. He didn't need to say anything. It was the look in his eyes that told me what he was thinking. The feeling that old me that I was just like my sister. That I was just a whore.