Early Sunsets Over Newark

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

Terra walked out of the bus before any one had the chance to say anything; with Zack following close behind her. I felt my heart crack in two for a few moments, the cracking broke off a piece when the front door to the tour bus was slammed shut. The room fell silent. I pulled away from Brian and whipped my eyes. My fingers glided under my eyes, they were so wet I didn’t think the trails of salty water would end.

I had a feeling that Terra didn’t understand where I was coming from. I didn’t understand where I was coming from. I looked up at Brain who was looking down upon me with eyes that flashed with pain. I sighed, looking around at the guys who all seemed to be fuming about something. I bit my bottom lip so hard it started to bleed.

It seemed like hours had went by as I stood there keeping my gaze away from the guy’s; looking at everything but them. I looked at the clock on the wall behind Brian’s head. I groaned loudly and walked over to Bob who eyed me with suspicion.

“Yes?” He questioned dully. He looked up at me and raised his eye brow. I stood in front of him and rocked on my heels for a while.

“I need to use your phone to call Terra.” I admitted standing perfectly still. I looked at Bob and shook my head slightly. “She won’t answer if it is me because she doesn’t understand my choice to forgive Brian for what he has done. I have to get her back here, as soon as possible.” I explained using hand motions. I felt all of the eyes in the room on me. I coughed a little, my cheeks began to burn a little bit, I didn’t like having everyone’s attention on me; it was highly uncomfortable.

“I don’t understand why you forgave him either, but…” Bob said pulling out his white cell phone, he handed it to me and got comfortable in his seat with a sigh and shrugged. “Terra is your best friend and we can’t leave here with out her.”

“We can’t leave without Zack.” Jimmy added taking a swig from his beer. Matt and the other Avenged boys nodded in agreement. When Zack’s name was mentioned I cringed. Gerard raised an eye brow at my sudden action.

“Why’d you wince? Did Haner hurt you again?” Gerard asked raising to his feet. He put his hand on my shoulder. I moved it off and looked up at him; my eyes shined with water, tears in the making. “Did he?”

“No.” My voice was shaky. Gerard glared over at Brian who looked shocked. Gerard looked back at me and licked his lips; attempting to figure out my cause for such an odd action when there was no noise, no fighting and no tension between any one except for himself, Matt and Brian. “It’s nothing.” I mumbled punching in Terra’s number, pressing the phone to my ear. Her ring back tone was a Tu Amour by RBD, one of her favorite bands. “I need my sister.” I said in a strong voice, looking at all of the men, then went to biting my nails.

“Hello?” Her voice was distressed and sounded some what scared. I sighed with relief at the sound of her voice; I was glad she was alright. “Hello? Bob?”

“Tessa, no it’s Samantha. I am going to assume that you are lost.” I tried forcing a small chuckle. She gave me the same in return. I took a deep breath. “We are going to turn both of the tour buses to the direction away from the street. We will blare music and turn on the high beam lights, so you could see it. We will even start a fire so you can see us.” I suggested. I felt my stomach muscle tighten up and my body heat up. I was feeling anxious over everything that had happened in the past few days.

“Sammy, I don’t know.” She didn’t sound so convinced. I heard something howl on the other end of the line. I heard her scream a little. “Alright call me when you have everything ready and please hurry up.” She sounded anxious; impatient. I told her I would before hanging up.

“Alright guys. Here’s the plan. We are turning to bus in the direction opposite of the road. We are going to walk a few yards up from the buses and create the biggest fire that we can muster up. Then we are going to blare music from both buses.” I explained putting Bob’s phone in my back pocket. “Okay um, Gerard, Matt, Brian and Bob; you’re helping me build a fire. Gather up some things you don’t want or need such as paper, cardboard, old cloths things like that. Jimmy and Johnny get your bus driver to turn the bus in the direction I told you. Ray you do the same with the My Chem bus. Frank and Mike; you two are getting the music together and blaring it full blast, until the dial wont turn any more, to get their attention. Every one got it?”

Time Elapse

Everything was set up. The buses were turned to face the direction opposite of the road with their high bean lights on. The buses blared my mixed CD of Avenged Sevenfold and My Chemical Romance. The songs were in tune some how. The guys waited outside of the buses. The bomb fire we made got very big. I burned some of the stories I have been working on four years went into the flames; I would give up anything as long as Terra got home.

The ringing was shortly lived. Terra picked up right away. “Samantha?” Her voice was frantic. I could hear her teeth chattering as she spoke.

“Can you hear the music?” I asked, concern was the main thing in my tone. I looked into the distance, letting my eyes stretch as far as the light shown and as far as my stigmatism would allow.

“Yes and I see the light in the distance. We’ll be there as soon as we can. Night.” Terra said. I could picture her running towards the buses like the devil was chasing her.

“Night.” I said handing the phone back to Bob. He took it and told me thanks. I stood a little bit further away from the fire, shivering a bit; keeping my eyes locked on the distance, hoping to see any kind of movement.

I felt someone’s arm drape around me pulling me to his chest. I took a deep breath. It wasn’t Brian or any one of the Avenged boy’s. It wasn’t Gerard either. I looked up and my eyes met the brown-green eyes of none other then Frank Iero. He looked at me with eyes that I couldn’t read. He kept his arms around me tightly. I blinked, then snuggled up to his chest.

“She’ll get here. Don’t worry.” He told me in a light tone. I nodded my head and held him tighter. I didn’t notice that I had started to cry until Frank had made a remark about how his shirt was getting just a tad bit wet, but it was alright with him.

“I’m sorry, you know.” Frank said as he held me to his chest. I had my face snuggled into the crook of his neck. I rested my cheek on his shoulder and cocked my eye brow. “For being an ass when we hit your bus, for beating your ass. I was wrong.” He said I heard him sigh and hold me closer, breathing in my scent. “This is the first time I said sorry and actually meant it.” Frank said kissing the top of my head.

I felt my cheeks burn as I nodded and cleared my throat. I felt my body rise a good few degrees; yet I trembled from the cold weather, my insides were clenching in so tight together that they were going to leave marks on each other. “This is the first time you said you were sorry and I believed you.” I said with a smirk. He smirked and kissed my cheek, turning to watch the horizon. I felt a sudden surge of happiness when I saw two figures come into the distance.
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Sorry it took so long.