Early Sunsets Over Newark


It's not that Zacky is an idiot. He just refuses to use the common sense he was given by whatever gods are out there. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame him for this whole mess! I just couldn't understand how he could have not thought the fact we were walking so far from the buses. I trudged through the cold air and the warm desert sand with Zacky following closely behind me. He didn't interrupt my train of thought once since I'd told him we were getting signals of guidance from our better halves (so to speak). When the bus came into view, I felt suddenly relaxed, like I didn't have to worry about being stuck in the middle of nowhere with mister handsy all night. I half-ran towards the bus until I saw my best friend, and then my feet seemed to speed up on their own until I practically shoved her over with a great big hug.

"I love you!" I squealed, barely audible because it was so high pitched. Frank, who'd been standing relatively close to Sam, rolled his eyes and walked away, towards the other band members who all huddled around a bonfire. I smiled and then followed him just in time to hear Gerard yelling at Zacky, like father and son.

"You are so irresponsible! We should be on the road right now! We have a show in less than ten hours at a venue that will take us twelve hours to get to! I can't believe you sometimes!"

I swallowed hard and then stepped forward, wrapping arm around Zacky's shoulders.

"Gee, It was my fault! Honestly, I was being stupid. I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you anyway possible."

Gerard rolled his eyes, turning around and boarding his rightful bus. Half of me felt guilty, but the other half knew Gerard was a little bit of an ass. I just wish he wouldn't try to be everyone's guardian all the time.

Frank scoffed, taking a seat around the bonfire and taking a bottle of scotch from Brian, chugging down too much for a nightcap before he stood and boarded the bus. Was he mad, too? One-by-one all of the bandies boarded their rightful buses until it was only Zacky, Sam and I.

"You girls should go get some sleep. We have a long night ahead of us...."

I nodded and took Sam's hand and walked at her side as we headed towards the MyChem bus. She seemed a little antsy, but I wasn't going to ask. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable. For the night, I would just crash into a bunk until it was time for the show. It was something my body would be able to appreciate.


It was seven o'clock when I woke up with the sunlight from the window of the bunk room on my face. it was a disturbance. The whole night I had a dream that Sam and I had gotten separated, and the harder I looked for her the farther away she seemed. I woke up in a horrible sweat and heavily breathing with Mikey staring at me.

I swallowed hard and sat up and stared at him in silence until he jumped up and yanked open the bunk room door yelling for Gerard.

"She's awake!"

I groaned and motivated myself to go out to the main room, only to see everyone with their instruments (minus Bob who just sat around eating a tv dinner) vibing out for sounds. I scratched my head and looked around the room before turning back to the boys.

"Where's Sammy?"

Frank gritted his teeth noticeably while Gerard shrugged.

"If I remember correctly, Brian took her out for breakfast as soon as we entered town."

I nodded, not taking my eyes off of Frank. I went into the bathroom and got dressed for the day, and when I came back out to the main room everyone was eating and talking about their gig.

"I'm gonna go out, I'll be back before the gig. When do you guys go on?"

Gerard looked at me instantly, so willing to give information.

"The show starts at two o'clock. Don't be late!"

I nodded, feeling young again and grabbed my hoodie I'd left on the sofa before leaving the bus.

From inside our little safe haven-so to speak; the world seemed so small. But outside of that jurisdiction, the world, and this town seemed so exciting. I had no idea where we were, but I loved that feeling. I loved not know where I was, or where I was going; only that I had protection and freedom. I walked about three blocks down the road when I came up to a homey ma and pa owned and operated diner. I strolled in and took a seat at the bar. I hadn't had any coffee ever since the MyChem boys trashed my bus. I had ten dollars, and by looking at the menu; it was more than enough for some morning delight! The waitress walked over, plad in a vanilla-colored uniform and peach-colored tennis shoes. Her hair was short and red, which just made her look like a color-coded robot. I gave her my coffee order, and then stopped her before she could walk away.

"Also; where am I? I mean, this town..."

She smirked, as if she'd heard that everyday.

"Sweetie, this is Martinson. You're about two hours away from Houston."

Texas? Sweet. I'd never been to Texas before. Now I could have some new memories. It seemed almost awkward to be in such a new place and not have Sammy with me. I couldn't always beg for her presence, though. She did need a life of her own; we both did. I was happy she had Brian, even if it was at the expense of Frank. Although personally, I'd think he lost his chance when he gave her a black eye. Whatever.

The waitress came back with my cup of coffee, and I chugged it down quickly, despite the fact I could feel all the little grains slide into my mouth, feeling slimy in a way. I tried not to gag or get too grossed out. Beggars could not be choosers.

I left the diner after that first cup, too scared to ask for another. I continued walking down the street. It's amazing how you can beg for years to leave the place you call home, and yet the moment you get a taste of something different; you start to miss home, so desperately. What can I say about Martinson? it wasn't on any map I'd looked at in the corner store. It was pretty big for such a small town. Also, there were only two diners in Martinson; not only was the coffee horrible at both, but I also hadn't run into Sam and Brian. I tried to stop act like I was looking for them.

The weather in Martinson was so different from back home. I had wished I had brought a spare jacket. The wind was freezing cold, but the sun light was warm against the skin. it was almost perfect.

I entered a thrift store with the hopes of finding something nifty. I walked to a back wall full of black and white photographs, and nearly held my breathe at the artistic vision. I'd been in love with vintage photographs for as long as I could remember, and I'd never felt so lucky to be alive than when I saw how the world was through someone else's eyes.

"Terra?! Terra Rei?!"

I froze, catching my breathe as I turned around and saw the one face I was hoping to never see again. He smiled at me, his eyes pondering over my body and I suddenly felt nervous. I didn't know what to say, or how to react. It'd been four years since he'd broken my heart to become famous and unlike me- he was actually succeeding in the music world.

"Wow! You look.... amazing."

I shrugged, my mouth open as if I was going to say something, but I wasn't. I couldn't find the words. What could I say?

'Thanks, I'll keep that in mind while I make out with Zacky Vengeance.'

Yeah, that would hit him where it really hurts, to mention someone more famous than him.

"Thanks. You look... wow! Your style has changed a lot!"

He used to wear baggy jeans and band shirts and wrap bandages around his wrist and arms. Now he wore suits all the time, with ties and nice loafers. I could barely recognize him. I could just imagine him throwing out everything he'd ever worn before.

He swallowed hard and sighed as we stood, face-to-face. He'd grown up so much, physically. I remember the short soft-voiced kid I used to hang out with everyday during and after school. Now he stood before me standing way taller than me and speaking with a magnificently accented voice that for all intense purposes was putting me on. I wonder what he must'e thought about me. I used to be slightly chubby, shorter than I am now, and have short hair. Now I was nineteen, taller, and too thin to be clearly recognizable. He must have recognized me from my website. It made me wonder how long he'd been thinking about me.

"Well, look; if you're in town for a little while, we should meet up and do dinner or something."

I cleared my throat.

"Yeah. That sounds fun."

I didn't know how long we were staying here, and honestly that only made me want to say yes even more. I could call him just before we left town and tell him to meet me at that crappy diner and he'd be left all alone. Or, even better; I could rack up a bill and then ditch him. Though it probably wouldn't matter, considering he's raking in the dough now that he's mister big shot.

I couldn't find any more words. I sighed and glanced over at the door of the thrift shop, planning my escape.

"It's been a great reunion, but I kind of have to go. I'm sorry."

He nodded and smiled cheesily. "It's fine, really. I'm just glad we got to see each other again. Hey! Can I maybe get your number?"

I shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah, sure."

He pulled a pen out of his kercheif pocket and I scribbled my cell number out on the palm of his manly hand before practically running out of the store. I headed back to the bus and got there just in time to see everyone getting dressed and ready for the gig. I usually loved their suits, but at the current moment, seeing everyone in them made me kind of sick.

"Hey! You're just in time! You should get ready!"

I shrugged.

"I'm fine, I think. I could just use some real coffee...."

Gerard's eyes widened and he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and started to text. When we walked through the gig space, I noticed a buffet table full of delicious treats, including sushi and Japanese candies and on the very far end; an expensive silver coffee maker and a stack of plastic cups. I turned to Gee and jumped up, completely thrilled.

"Thank you! I'm so tired of Martinson coffee!"

He laughed and gave me a warm hug until Frank cleared his through and stole our attention.

"We need to get ready, we're on in ten."

I let go of Gerard and made a massacre out of the coffee maker while I overheard the boys talking.

"Has Brian come back yet? I haven't seen him since this morning."

I froze, turning towards the group.

"Has Sam come back yet?" I asked, trying to hide to fear in my voice. Gerard shook his head and I suddenly felt a cramp in my chest. It was almost two o'clock on the dot. She'd been gone almost all day and I was getting worried.

I pulled out my cell phone and dialed her number as fast as I could and heard her phone ring repeatedly before hooking me up to her voice mail. After the beep noise, I turned frantic. I dropped my coffee all over the carpeted floor and ran towards the heavy exit doors.

"I'm gonna go find Samantha!" I yelled, not waiting for any response.
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I am so sorry this took me forever and a year! Life gets to you sometimes, as this story shows! I hope you guys are still ready to be devoted to the story because some really heavy plot twists and story lines are coming! Please keep reading and comments are rad!
