Early Sunsets Over Newark

It wasn't his feet in his mouth it was his whole b

The Texas landscape was all I had thought it would be. It was barron and the sun nearly scorched my skin as Brian had me walking all over the small town to find the venue. I had suggested that we stop and ask for directions many times. Brian, being apart of the male species, said he knew where we were. The look of panic on his face, when his watch went off saying that it was past two in the afternoon told me other wise.

We walked down a street that had different thrift shops that looked like they were from the eighteen hundreds. Not many people walked the streets and many doors to establishments were open. My only guess was that they had no air conditioner. I stopped walking and crossed my arms. Brian walked a few steps before turning round.

"Why'd you stop?' He asked taking out a pack of cigarettes. He placed one between his lips and lit it. The raw smell of smoke lingered in the air.

"Swallow your fucking pride." I said with a harsh tone. He raised his eye brows as I narrowed my eyes. I was uncomfortable enough being around Brian; even more so since I'm along with him. He had seen my whole body and that creeped me out a lot. "Get your ass in that building and ask for directions before I put my foot up your ass!" I screamed tucking a piece of hair behind my right ear.

"Excuse me?" Brian asked; well I suppose the correct term would be yelled. His face was turning a bright pink as he walked towards me. I noticed his free hand was clenched tight into a fist. His nose was nearly touching mine as he glared down at me. He had me in weight and size. I couldn't help the fear that welled up inside me. "I don't need an easy slut to tell me what to do." Brian whispered. Ice covered every word along with an instant distaste. He turned around and began walking towards a large building that had the word Venue written across it.

As we walked through the building a cool wave of air hit me. I noticed that the My Chem boys were heading off stage and I saw Matt usher Brian towards their small group. I thought of what Brian said and suddenly felt dirty. I ran my hands down my arms after the Avenged boys went on stage. I opened my mouth to take in a breath of air but it went exactly opposite. A rough sob broke though the nearly quiet room. I could hear Gerard talking to one of the band members about the next venue. I put one hand over my mouth and one on the wall to hold myself up. I felt my organs pinch together tightly. The pain inside was making my crying harder. My hand muffled my sobs a little. I squeezed my eyes shut and felt his hands running up and down my legs. I thought I was going to vomit. The tears came quicker.

"Samantha?" I herd a males voice say some where in the distance. I opened my eyes and turned around. I saw Frank looking at me with concern. My eye's drifted past him and saw the rest of the guys looking at me with worry. One of the thing's I hated more then anything was making people worry for me. My common sense kicked in when I realized I should have went into the bathroom or onto the bus.

I uncovered my mouth and tried to take deep, even breaths. The pain from my organs hadn't subsided in the least bit. "F-frank." I coked out between sobs. He dropped the guitar he was holding and ran over to me before I hit the cold, hard tile. I heard the opening for A Little Piece Of Heaven and clutched onto Frank as if I was holding the last Pepsi on the planet. I couldn't hold it any more; I let loose my sobs and even more tears.

"Samantha? Baby, what is it? What happened love?" Frank cooed softly, his hot breath tickling my ear lobe. I couldn't stop my crying and sobbing to answer. I shook my head and continued to cry. After my sob's had changed to my frail attempt to take breaths (which wasn't working too well might I add) Frank picked me up bridal style and sat on the couch crailiding me as if I was a young child in need of Daddy's care.

"What the hell did Brian do?" Gerard was furious. He shit and he was loosing his cool. I snuggled closer to Frank at Gerard's shouting.

"Gerard calm down." Mikey said putting a hand on his Brother's back.

"I will not!"

"Dude there's nothing you can do Gerard." Bob said biting on his lip ring; probably uneasy by his friends behavior.

"The hell there is." Gerard said; his voice raising. I cringed and snuggled even deep into Frank. He smelled like something sweet, sweat and cigarettes all mixed together. It calmed me for a reason unknown. I felt the panic subside and the pain in my body slowly melt into a fragmentation of my memory.

"Gerard shut the hell up!" Frank yelled. I could feel the vibrations in his body as he spoke. "You're scaring her!"

As if on cue a very upset looking Terre Rei came towards us. Her face was slightly pink and her hair was wind blow. It appeared that she had been running. Her eyes landed on me and she sighed.

"What the hell happened?" She asked. I turned to face her. My tears were still coming and my whole body was shaking. Her gaze softened when she saw me.


Was all I could choke out before she stormed towards on the stage.
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Here's another update.

Comments = updates from both of us!
