Early Sunsets Over Newark

Decisions Decisions

I walked out of the door into the night air. I felt around for my pack of cigarettes and lit one up. I inhaled the deep, intoxicating smoke of menthol. I walked down the stares and headed for the bus. I felt like we were being pulled apart at our seems and I didn't like it. I grabbed hold of the handle and tried to open it. I grunted as my hands grew slick with beads of sweat. The door was locked.

I cursed under my breath and started to walk down the street. It was late at night and I was in a strange town. It wasn't the best decision in the entire world but I made it. My organs were pinching together as I pulled out my phone. I went through my contacts and found the one number I was looking for; Dusti.

Dusti had been my friend for years. She was one of the closest things I had to T. She lived in the same area that I did back home. I smiled at some of the memories that, had came to fade over time, bounced back in variance. The girl scouts. The camping outside of arenas for tickets. The parties. The great weekends spent at her Uncle Brads cabin. I pressed send and put the phone to my ear.

Dusti never slept. I think the only time I actually see her sleep was at two in the afternoon. Needless to day she was awake and kicking by the time the moon hung high in the sky. The ringing ended and there was a crackling sound. "Hello?" Dusti said in a high pitch-sing song voice. I chuckled.

"Hey Dusti." I said in a cheerful tone. "This is Sam." I smiled as she made a humming sound like she was trying to remember who I was.

"Ohhh." Dusti said with a loud laugh. "The crazy white girl." I guess after a few months of not seeing each other she still didn't stop making sure that I knew I was white. I laughed right a long with her.


"Heard you were on the road." Dusti said. I heard the flick of a lighter. "Where are you?"

"Some small town in Texas." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. I heard a gasp from the other end.

"Do they have small, old establishments and a strange book store?"

"Yes?" I asked with uncertainty. I didn't know where she was going with that.

"I'm staying at Robins Inn. My room number is six twenty five. It's on songbird avenue." Dusti said. As much of a hard bitch that she was, I knew, she couldn't hide the excitement in her voice.

"Cool. I'll be right there." I said with a mischievous smile on my face. "I'm on the street next to it so I'll see you in a few minutes." I said my good bye and hung up the phone nearly running to room six twenty five.

I was nearly out of breath when I reached the door. I sighed and knocked. The door swung open and there was Dusti. Dusti was from Brazil so she had mocha skin. Her hair was black and it reached her ribs. It was long but at the top, by her head, it was choppy with red streaks. She had pale green eyes and black eye lashes. She had on a rainbow tank top, a pair of jean shorts and neon colored knee socks. She smiled brightly at me.

"Come on in." Dusti said walking away from the door. I went inside and the smell hit me like nothing had ever done so before. I could smell the different kinds of alcohol and the one thing that Dusti was famous for. She was one of the biggest pot dealers in my area. She was never out. She was never out of money either. She had enough money to last her until the day she dies.

I coughed and shook my hand in front of my nose. I could smell the Grey goose, Jack Daniels, Johnny Walker and Captain Morgan. Dusti sat on the unmade bed and laughed at my sour face expression.

"You were used to the stench." Dusti laughed. I laughed with her. I sat beside Dusti and crossed my legs. Dusti grabbed a bottle of JD and drank it straight from the bottle. She took a few gulps and smiled at me. She offered me the bottle without using words. I smiled at her and politely took it.

The night was one of the strangest I've ever had. Dusti and I killed three bottles of jack, two and a half of Grey Goose and she got me to toke with her. By the end of our catch up session we had covered a lot. She talked about how she deals to people around the globe, her dead Mother, her greaving Father, her Brother Jimmy just graduated high school, she wanted to go see Mexico while she was on her short trip.

I talked about T and I, Frank, Brian, what happened that night, what happened with my Mother, my stupid decisions and the fact that I would be staying over the for the night.

I opened my eyes to a dark room. I blinked a few times and yawned. I held by head as I sat up. It was pounding all over. My stomach felt queezy. My throat was dry. I looked at the digital clock by the bed. It was nearly three in the afternoon. My eyes widened. I got out of bed and grabbed a dry erase marker. I skimmed the room and saw no paper. Sighing I started to write on the sea foam green walls.


I'm sorry I had to leave before you got up. It was pretty late in the day and I know that the people I'm here with must be freaking out at this point. You have my cell phone number. Call me anytime. Till next time.


I hissed when I walked out of the hotel room and into the hot, humid summer air. Texas air. I groaned and started my walk. I tried to think of an excuse for the guys and T but I couldn't. I ended up walking into the door way before I wanted too. I looked up from my shoes to see all of Avenged Sevenfold and My Chem sitting in the room. I saw T sitting up against the head board of the bed.

"Good afternoon." I said, playing off my disappearance, with a soft smile and shy wave. I went over to my suit case and grabbed some cloths, perfume, hair brush and tooth brush. No one said anything to me. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom.

I decided to take a shower rather then just getting changed. I knew I smelled like dope and I didn't need them asking me questions that they already know the answers too, I didn't need Gerard to go all "daddy" on me and I didn't need to get "speeches" from them. I got into the shower and quickly did what I normally do and then I got dressed. I was wearing a white bra and panties, a pair of short tan shorts, a white and black wife beater and I put on a bit of sunflower scented perfume on. I went out into the room and put my cloths in my bag. I felt everyone's eyes on me.

I groaned and grabbed my cigarettes. "Please stop looking at me." I said in a calm tone. I heard someone scoff. "It's very irritating." I said in a stressed voice.

"Why wouldn't we?" I heard Jimmy ask. I turned around and looked at him. He looked relieved but a bit irritated.

"I've done nothing wrong nor have I done something strange." I said with a slight snap. My head was pounding and I wanted their voices to stop.

"Done nothing wrong?" Brian whispered harshly. I looked at him with a icy glare. "You stayed out all night. None of us knew where you were. Something horrible could have happened to you." Brian said with a soft tone. His big brown eyes showed remorse.

I sighed. "I don't know why you care so much. One day your a jack ass and the next, you are a sweet person." I shook my head and pulled out a cigarette. I looked at Brian and shook my head. "Figure out what the fucks wrong with you. Decide on one way your going to act towards me and keep it. I'm fucking done with your games." I said leaving the room; slamming the door behind me.
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