Early Sunsets Over Newark


Outside of the restaurant, I couldn't help but feel like throwing up. I swallowed hard, catching Sam just before she walked off towards the highway.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

She stared coldly.

"I think Frank is right," she spoke calmly, clearing her throat before she continued,"You know me, I'm not into rules, borders, staying within lines. If they don't want me around, then I'll just go my own way."

I shook my head, slow at first and then harder as she turned around. I grabbed her wrist.

"Wait! What are you saying? You're leaving? Where are you gonna go?"

She bit her lip, looked down, and shrugged. I could see how sad she was in her eyes, feel the same sadness in mine. She was the only friend I'd ever really trusted, known, loved. I didn't want to lose my best friend to a stupid fight. She shook her head, and then looked towards the highway.

"I don't know. But I know that anywhere is better than here."

I couldn't believe what she was saying. This was her dream. this only happened, never. It was a chance of luck that we were here, with our idols, and she was messing it up.

"Terra," I looked up at her, straight into her, through her and she stepped back.

"Don't worry about me. 'Cause, I know we'll see each other again. Some day."

She walked backwards for a few steps, then turned around and ran to the side of the highway, sticking out her thumb. I trembled, I cried. I wanted to go after her, but my legs wouldn't move. Gerard came out of the restaurant, and saw me alone.

"Where's Samantha?"

I turned around, barely able to see and clutched onto his shirt. I dug my face into his chest, let my tears soak into the soft cotton and felt his arms around me. He hugged me tight, patted my back and I heard footsteps, suddenly feeling more hugs. In silence, they hugged me, saying nothing. They just listened to my sobbing, and when I finally calmed down, I pulled from the circle, looking towards the highway. Sam was long gone, and so was my heart.
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The exit of this character for the reason stated previously. I hope you guys still stick to this story and continue reading, because there's still a lot in store for it! Please comment and subscribe! comments are love, and means more updates!