Early Sunsets Over Newark

The Possibilities Are Endless

I sat on the couch, with blood still pouring from my face. At least they gave me a rag. I considered about asking him if I could keep it, then I decided against it.

"Well." I started, wincing in pain as I touched my lip. "Gerard is right. Frank shouldn't get a say, he hit a girl." I said faking a dramatic face. I laughed loudly. "I don't blame him. If a crazy red eyed girl started to beat the shit out of me, I would have fought back." I smiled at Gerard.

"He is an ass though." I rolled my eyes. "Does he have some issues that he needs to talk about? My therapist would do wonders for him." I said jokingly.

"Oh. Hello Bobert. Nice to meet you." I said smiling his way, I didn't want him to feel unloved or anything like that. His eyes still a beautiful blue. The muscle. It make me smile every time.

I looked at Terra and grinned. "Yeah I bet I do look like shit." I grinned widely. I laughed and pushed my hair from my face. "Maybe we should take a picture and send it to my Mother." Even though Terra was very upset by the bus thing, she had to crack a smile about that. "I'm fine though." I said standing up and crying in pain. Tears spring my eyes and I held my ribs genitally. I was gasping for air.

"IERO!!!!!!!" I screamed. He broke or cracked my rib.The little fucker. He was going to pay for that one one way or another. I lifted up mu shit to the rib that was making me in agony. It was jagged up. You could see where it snapped in half. A loud growl came from my throat.

"Terra, I think it is time I found a new favorite guitarist. I was thinking a different band." I grumbled. I took off my jacket and set it on the couch. I walked into the bunk area and opened Franks curtain and gabbed tap off his bed.

I walked back to where Gerard and the others were. I grabbed a pair of scissors from the table beside the couch. I lifted my shirt with my teeth, well held it up. I started to wrap think, tight tape around my ribs. I winced and growled in pain very often.

"Maybe you should have a doctor look at that?" Bob suggested. Every time I winced he made a face, like he knew my pain. He was a sweet guy, but going to the doctors I am not.

I finished and put away the tape and scissors where I found them. "I've had to pop my shoulder back into place more then once, give myself stitches. Hell I even had to get a bullet from my own bloody leg!" I said shaking my head. "A broken rib is nothing to me any more." I said shrugging, then immediately wishing I hadn't done that.

I looked at Terra and sighed. "So what are we going to do? The bus wont start and we need to get out of Jacksonville before...........well you know what I'm talking about." I said finishing quickly, once I noticed that Gerard and Bobs eyes were on me. They were more then likely trying to figure out what I was talking about.

"Well, I Terra is alright with it, then we are more then happy to have you come on tour with us. We will take care of you. and it seems like an upgrade from being at rock bottom."Gerard said resting his hand over Terra's shoulder, in a comforting way. He smiled at her.

"Please?" Bob asked, smiling cheekily. He seemed to take a fancy to Terra. The way that he looked at her and looked hurt when she said that nobody cared. I thought it was cute.

That is when I made a mental note to investigate it further. I was just standing, smiling down at Terra's. Half of me wanted to stay so when I heal, I could have round two with Mr. Iero. The other half of me wanted to stay because it was either this or home. Yes, this looked better.