Early Sunsets Over Newark

It's Better To Say Too Much

When Gerard offered us a place to stay, my brain went slack. I felt my knees begin to give out and so I took a seat instantly. Thee Gerard Way was inviting my best friend and myself to stay on their tour bus with them! I could feel a lump forming in my throat. Not only would I get to tour, but I'd be touring with my favorite band ever (minus Frank due to recent circumstances). I swallowed hard, but the growing bump in my throat stayed. i sighed, and then looked at Sammy for support.

"I don't know. I mean, I'm still so new; and with Sammy and Frank going at it-"

Gerard shook his head, smirking.

"Don't think about them," he said,"Do you want to stay or not?"

I looked back at Sammy, who seemed keen with the idea. I shrugged and then stuttered. "O-o-Okay." I smiled as best as I could without showing my nervousness. I could tell that this was going to be the greatest adventure of my entire life! I looked over at Sammy who looked just as excited as me and I quickly look over at gerard.

"I'm just going to go look at my bus for a few minutes."

I pulled Sammy gently by the hand and off the bus, over to my tour bus. The collision had done a lot of damage to it. instead of crying about it all over, i let it go. Instead I started grabbing my most important things. My keyboard, for one, and then my clothes. I packed them all up in the japanese suitcase i had been given from one of me and Sammy's closest friends.

At the bottom were letters from that friend; Alyssa. I hadn't seen her since my freshman year and my family moved. Ever since then, we had been penpals. I missed her desperately. I had planned on stopping the tour near the town where she lived, but unfortunately I didn't know if I had that power anymore.

"I'm freaking out right now!" I half-shrieked, packing my things and talking to Sammy.

"I don't understand why he would even want to take us! I think this is kind of like our gift from God! There has to be a Jesus, otherwise none of this would be happening!"

I stopped packing, turning around to see Sam.

"This is happening, isn't it?"
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