Early Sunsets Over Newark

When It Comes To Personals, Never Leave Them Alone

I followed Terra onto the bus and smiled as I listened to her rambling. When she turned to me and asked me if it was really happening. My smile faded.

It was was wasn't it? A very famous band was inviting us to live with them for God knows how long. Maybe one of them would adopt me? My life has turned into a teeny fan girl fan fiction about a band. I have plenty of them written up myself. I hoped none of them would find them. There wasn't one that I could let their beady little eyes see.

I merely nodded. I grabbed my book bag, and my computer, and printer from the table beside where I sat once before. Once Terra got all of her things in order, and headed to the other bus with a small smile, I followed her.

I got on the bus and saw the whole gang in the living room, thing. I glared at Frank, he seemed like he was in a bad mood. I shrugged it off and set my things on the table beside the couch. I got the yellow crystals from between my eyes.

"Thank you so much for helping us." Terra said smiling at everyone, including Mr. High horse. She set her things next to mine.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I got it and looked at the name the popped up. Mother. Her ring tone was like the suspense music from a horror flick. I growled deep in my chest. I snarled and took the pillow behind Gerard's back. "Sorry sorry." I said. I set my phone the farthest away from me which would be, at the time, all the way on the other side of the room, by Ray. I set the phone down, it still ringing. I put the pillow over it and nearly nothing was heard. "Fuck you." I said walking away from the phone I took my lap top from its case, and opened it. The screen lit up. I sat on the floor across from the band, quickly typing. With little or no errors, what I was writing was shaping up every well.

"What a bitch." Frank mumbled under his breath. He held an ice pack to his head. He had one strapped to the top of his head. There was blood of his own and probably of mine, on his pants. Frank was shirtless, he had scratches and bruise on his skin. He glared at me, I looked up at him. His hazel, green eyes burned into my brown hazel eyes.

"Frank!" Ray snapped. My eyes snapped from Frank's to Ray. His hair was as big and curly, like they were in his pictures. Yet, it was more shiny and silky looking. "Could you stop being rude to her for just a bit. After all she is going to be here for a while." Ray said. His tone was calm, yet warning.

I made a mental note to not ever get on his bad side. I went back to typing at my computer, my mind lost. Writing was not only a stress reliever, but a passion for me.

"Excuse me?" Frank said, with a strained tone. "Hell no. Shouldn't we discuss this as a band? I mean I do have an opinion." Frank pointed out, looking to Mikey for something.

"Nope. We are all alright with it." Mikey said smiling at Terra's way. He pushed up his black glasses, turning back to Frank. "You are the only one who minds."

"You really shouldn't get a say." Gerard said sipping his coffee and shrugging his shoulders. "you did hit a girl." He pointed out again. "Plus Terra's not that mean. Well, she isn't mean at all." Gerard smiled with saying Terra's name.

I was disgusted. More with Frank or myself then anything. He was always my favorite hands down. Hell, at one point I wanted to have his kids. Now seeing that when he says my name it is filled with hate. His face would twist in distaste when he spoke of me. I envied Terra. Every one in the band liked her, thought she was sweet. My first impression, was being a hot head and picking a fight, I knew I wouldn't, or more so couldn't win.

"I know Terra's nice." Frank said, he was speaking as if Gerard was ESE. "She is nice, and I wish I wouldn't have yelled at her, but I have no words for Samantha. I do not respect her. Not as a woman or a human being." Frank said, his eyes were like rings of fire. He hated me with a passion. I could tell.

Gerard rolled his eyes and smiled at me. "What are you doin' over there?" He asked. He took a sip of his coffee.

Bob snorted. I suppose he must have saw how fatherly he was being. It was hard for me to smile. Considering, having my hero hate me, and be out of sheer luck? There's a few reasons to not smile.

"She is more then likely writing." Terra said, sitting on the sofa next to Mikey. "Its a passion she has." She smiled at me. "Right???" She asked me, her eyebrows were pulled to make sure she was right.

I nodded. "I am writing The Word Love Is Often Used Wrong." I told her. I smiled as the title rolled off my tongue. I typed and smiled. "I am thinking about updating For All These Times Kid, For All The Times.." I said, in a small voice.

My attention that was next to Frank. My eyes widened. Franks eyes followed mine. He looked at me then at the bag. "Terra. You know the story about Lisa, Gerard, Frank and Mikey?" I asked. My mouth ran dry. "Its in the black folder next to Iero."
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I love writing his. I hope you all enjoy reading this. I am very happy that we have as many readers and subscribers as we do so far, seeing how our story is fairly new. Thanks for showing the love. Please don't forget to comment, saying what you personally think. Thanks guys.

xoxo SammySuicide