Leave out All the Rest


'What are you doing?' I asked as Erika grabbed my Acer laptop and plopped down on the love seat in my living room.

I followed her and watched as she got to Google.

'What are you-' I was cut off. 'Just wait.' she said as she typed in Rob Pattinson and came up with more than 10,600,000 results.

She clicked on one of the first links, Pattinson Online.

'Hello sexy.' she muttered as she scrolled down the page. We read his entire biography.

'So, he's an actor?' I said surprised.

'In the states too.' she confirmed.

'Whoa. And he asked me to dinner, well, coffee, but dinner first.' I said in astonishment.

'Yeah, where did you ever see him?' she asked.

'I don't know. A magazine maybe?' I suggested.

'That's a possibility.' she said shrugging.

'What ever shall we do for dinner tonight?' I asked.

'You tell me birthday girl.' she said.

'Pizza and a movie?' I asked hoping she'd give in to my home plan.

'Nuh-uh. Here's the plan. I say. . . . Thai? Then we go find this so called 'Twilight', come back here, and watch it. With popcorn, soda, and chocolate.' she arranged.

'Cool. But I feel like a stalker. I mean, I'm going to go have a coffee date with this guy and I'm going to watch him in a movie. I feel like a creeper.' I said shuddering.

'Oh whatever. Oh, do remember our Tech teacher who was an extra in a bunch of shows?!' she burst out and I nodded while she continued. 'Oh, what was his name? Uh, it was-' she said trailing off and wracking her brain.

'Mr. Smith.' I said blankly.

'Yes!' she said and I hit my forehead with my palm.

'How do you forget Smith? That's the most common name in the book.' I said baffled.

'I don't know. I was blanking.' she said and I just shook my hand slightly letting out a sigh.

'Thai night!' Erika shouted out after a few moments of silence, grabbed my arm, and started for the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
www.robert-pattinson.co.uk/ a.k.a Pattinson Online is a real site. It's very nice. Lots of pictures, there are more of Rob's songs [played only, no downloads, sorry]. If you want to be a total fangirl then go crazy, over there (:

Kind of short. I know. But I wanted to end it there.

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I want a comment. I know it's still the beginning of the story, but still ): I'm missing all of my JB fans over here. . . .

xxxooxx;;Hannahsaurus Rexx!

Peace&Love Baby Cakes!<3