We're Burning in a Marvelous Light

There’s really nothing better

“New years eve sucks!”

“Just like you!” I smacked her in the arm.

“Darian! Call someone I’m bored! It’s New Years Eve!” She sighed picking up her uglier than sin phone.

“Who does the princess want me to call?”

“Hellz yeah I’m your motherfuckin princess! Hate that song dude call Kevin or Kyle! Their both more than likely together anyway.” Her face lit up at the thought of getting to spend time with a mister Kyle Burns. The phone was pressed to her ear before I could say anything else.

“Yo Kyle!! Yeah me and Erin need something to do! Hook us up?” There was some muttering and then she hung up.


“So were going to a FTSK party that’s what!” She said hopping up and bouncing around the room. Red Bull and her should never mix.

“Is it just the FTSK boys?”

“I think he said that some band called Sing It Loud was there and then some local friends…nothing big.” She yelled from her room.

“Sing It Loud?”

“Yeah, never heard of them either…..maybe there’s someone you can get with that’s not as……old.” She said referring to my uncontrollable attraction to the 24 year old lead singer, hey he was a sweetheart and lets all admit it that smile was adorable.

“Yeah cause yours is soo much better.” I said sliding my shoes on. “Hurry up!” She popped out of the bathroom holding out a stick of eyeliner.

“Kyle’s picking us up. Want some?” I shook my head.

“I prefer the natural look.”

“You prefer the naturally creepy…..Jonathan’s smile for example!”

“Ahaha bitch, lets go.” I said walking out the front door, Kyle was downstairs with a car full of guys.

“I call shotgun!” Darian yelled running to the car. I sighed shaking my head and climbed into the back, looking at the others i'd have to share the cramped quarters with; there were two boys who looked almost identical sat side by side staring at me.

“Heyy I’m Erin.” I said waving shyly.

“Hey I’m Pat!” The one who was nearest to the window said looking up from the phone in his hands temporarily. I waved to him.

“Hey I’m Nate, what’s up girl?”

“Hey, hmm nothing the exact reason I had to make my dearest friend call Kyle here.”

“Make? She had to force you? I’m hurt!” Kyle said shaking his blonde hair out of his face, pouting slightly.

“She didn’t have to make me! I would’ve called you eventually!” She defended.

“Yeah uhm anyway so what band are you from? Or are you just one of our new locals?” I asked Nate.

“Sing It Loud. I’m thinking about relocating though, the girls down here are beautiful.” He said, a smirk on his face. I blushed, looking out the window.

He was just talking in general, right?

“Hey! Erin wakey wakey baby! We’re here!” Darian was leaning over the seat looking at me.

“Did I fall asleep?”

“Mentally, yeah. Come on lets go have some fun!!” She said jumping up and down on the sidewalk. Lady Gaga blasted from the speakers that sat by the front door that was left open for anyone to walk in.

“Stupid rednecks don’t know how to close a door?” I asked walking up to Jonathan who pulled me into a hug.

“I resent that, it’s open for anyone to walk in! Not just stupid rednecks.”

“We live in Texas….it’s half the population.”

“That’s all of Virginia!”

“Only the part we use to live in.” I said matter of factly, looking out across the room. There were faces I recognized and then others who held no significant value to me.

“Having a good New Years?” I shrugged.

“Hoping it’ll get better. So Sing It Loud are they the flavor of the week?”

“Ehh they’re cool guys and Kyle and Kevin are obessed with the album so Kyle invited them, why?”

“I met some of the guys in the car they seemed chill is all.” I said, Jonathan was wearing that creepy smile again.

“You like one of them?”

“No! I just said they were cool!” I defended looking away from his knowing grin. <= the creepy smile!!

“Yeah, whatever you say Erin. Do I get the midnight kiss?” He asked, I looked up at him.

“Ehh maybe if i'm nearby. Anyway I’m going to go socialize, see ya later.” I said walking away from him, smiling to myself.

“Hey see anyone you like?” Darian asked walking up to me, Kyle close behind that kid followed her like a lost puppy dog.


“Well I think that maybe is coming this way.” She said motioning to Nate, the guy I’d seen earlier. He was tall, wavy blonde hair that was cut to his chin, tight black jeans, a black tank top match to match it all clung to him just right- Hot!

“Hey Erin” He said draping his arm casually over my shoulders.

“Hey Nate, having fun yet?”

“You’re here, I’m here sounds like a party!” I rolled my eyes, the kid was adorable but wow with all the pick up lines.

“Every party needs a crasher!” Kyle yelled poking me in the side, I squelead smacking him upside the head.

“Dudees calm down man!” Darian said kicking at Kyle. “Anyway you have fun I’ll be back later.” She said kicking Kyle towards the spot where everyone was dancing, leaving me alone with Nate, I turned to him trying to think of something to say. Awkward.

“Go outside?” He asked grabbing my hand, I smiled and pulled him along behind me to a tree that was set away from the house, just enough light to be able to see each other. We sat down, facing each other.

“So 20 questions?” I asked, he nodded.

“You can start anytime.”

“Haha that’s what she said oh uhm sorry, fave 80’s movie?”

“The Goonies fer sure!” I smiled.

“You have good taste dear.”

“Obviously I’m out here with you.” I blushed again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LATER ON~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Do you know what time it is?” He asked looking up at me. I stopped playing with his hair and pulled out my phone.

“Hmm it’s- Oh shit! It’s 11:59, ready to welcome 2009?” He sat up smiling. There were screams from inside.

“As long as I’m with you then I’m prepared to welcome anything.” He said quietly and leaned in pressing his lips to mine.

This was going to be a great year.

^AWWWW THAT’S SOOOOO CUTE!! Okay yeah The End and then Erin grew up and had lots and lots of Nate Flynn babies duhhhhh
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HAPPY NEW YEARS BBY!! Okay yeah so I hope this makes it all better love. :]