Poetry Life


A boy who was born and raised in the heart of urban streets who stood out and was different. While the neighborhood he lived in was tearing itself apart full of crime, one boy managed to keep himself together. Of course he did what most kids in his neighborhood did but he did his best to stay out of trouble. His parents split and his was stuck living with his mom so he was on an emotional roller coaster ride. Even school was no walk in the park as he was constantly in trouble with other peers around him.

His mom and teacher, however, noticed a unique talent that her son had...his ability to write poetry.
  1. Chapter 1: This is my Life...
    Introduction to Jason's life...
  2. Chapter 2: The English class last minute poetry as
    Jason finds explores his new talent.
  3. Chapter 3: After school drama...
    Jason and his friend Alcia gets into a heated discussion...
  4. Chapter 4: Even more drama on top of drama...
    After the pitbull incident...more drama.
  5. Chapter 5: Where's the love?
    The fire has settled...
  6. Chapter 6
    The new girl...