I Will Never Believe in Anything Again

Chapter Three

The guys blinked at her. The Kernings, demons? That was laughable! They had done so much work in helping to get rid of the vampires, in helping to make the world safe again. Demons were evil, awful creatures. They would never do any of that. "Um...You're gonna have to run that by me again. Demons? The Kernings?" Pete asked, blinking.

She groaned inwardly. "Yes demons. Is it really that much of a surprise? Did you honestly think a human could do all of the things that they did?" She blinked, and then realized why they looked so shocked and confused. A part of her wanted to be angry at them. It was a stereotype she despised. But they didn't know. It was just what they had been taught. So she summoned all of her patience and took a deep breath to explain.

"Demons aren't inherantly evil. Well they are, but not in the way you think. Demons and angels both exist to keep a balance between good and evil. They don't hate each other. They work together most of the time. The demons take care of those who are doing too much evil to where they may upset the balance. The angels take care of the people who are doing too much good to upset the balance. Ever heard of the saying that no good deed goes unpunished? It's true."

The boys gaped at her, and she looked towards Andy, her eyes narrowing a bit. "You know you have no business looking so shocked." He looked confused, and then even more shocked than before. She just smirked.

"So does that mean that you're a demon or what? I mean since your entire family is..." Patrick asked, wondering if she was a supernatural race why had shee needed healing.

She shook her head at him. "No. I was born a human. It's a rare thing in the demon society. Like a rare birth defect in yours. Though, with us it's an honor. Humans born to demon parents get powers from the get go, and when they die, they go straight back to living as a demon. Only they are some of the most powerful."

He nodded. "Okay so you are a human. And you must have a power...right?"

Anie nodded. "Yes, I'm psychic. I can hear peoples thoughts, if I want, and use telekinisis."

"No premonitions?" Joe asked eagerly. One of his biggest fantasies had been to be able to see the future.

She chuckled. "Those are a hell of a lot less controlled than I'd like them to be." She said with a nod. "They just kind of come if it's a future I can change and need to change, I guess."

Pete nodded. "Okay so I'm starting to get it now. So you live here until you die, powers and all. And then when you die, you become like demon royalty?"

She just chuckled at him. "What are you talking about? I'm already a princess."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah so these are starting to like, end awkwardly. I just don't wanna give it all away in one chapter xD Sorry they're taking so long. I'm planning on a trip and shit for spring break, which is about a week away. I guarentee at least one update before then, maybe more. Depends on how my online Geometry class goes.


Five comments on five separate occasions and I will put your name in the story.