Akatsuki questionaire series

OK! The characters are from Naruto, excluding Mana and Masaru, my OC's, of course!
This is where YOU ask me a silly thing about the Akatsuki, I ask them, I record it, and this mess silly mess comes out! (Well, duh, I write it making it up as I go, I'm a fangirl)
Remember, for this to continue, it HAS to has questions by YOU! So MUWAHAHAHAHAHA! XDDDDD
btw, first sucks, but I have to do it anyway

As I have said, I have 2 OC's in this, a girl, Mana, and a boy, Masaru. You think 'how the heck are both of them part of her personality? "One's a boy!" You say? Well, I just did that. So HA.

I have this also on quizilla. I'm too lazy to give link XD (or I just forgot it 0=D)
  1. Akatsuki questionaire # 1
    Sucky, but it gets better!
  2. Akatsuki questionaire # 2
    This is where it gets messy XD (Remember, Hidan's language!!!)
  3. Akatsuki Questionaire # 3
    3rd in the series and it keeps on coming! This is done differently, just so you know
  4. Akatsuki questionaire # 4
    Question by imgaara on fanfiction, currently nicknamed hyperbud by me.