To Be Careless Is to Be Reckless

Chapter 10


As soon as Frank left, I picked up my phone and quickly dialed Hailey's number.

"Lexi! Hey girl, what's up?"

"Hails, is there any way you could come over? Like, now?"

"What's wrong? Are the kids okay?"

"No, the kids are fine. It's mee. It's about Frank."

"Huh? What about him?"

"He just left my house."

"What?! Yeah, I'll be over in, give me twenty minutes. I'll leave Carina with Gee."

Carina was Hailey and Gerard's four-year-old daughter.

"Okay, bye."

I hung up and looked around my house, not knowing what to do with myself now. I could wring Destiny's neck. She had to have planned this. I was guessing she somehow knew how I still felt about Frank.

When Hailey finally came, I was a nervous mess. I hadn't felt like this in over a decade.

"Calm down and tell me what happened," Hails said as she walked in.

I explained to her how Frank and Des met yesterday, and how Destiny had brought him over today.

"Okay... so what's the problem?"

I gawked at her, my mouth hanging open.

"What's the problem? The problem is, I don't see or hear from my ex-husband in 10 years, then he appears in my house and kisses me! That's the problem!"

"Oh. My. God. You're serious?"

"As serious as a heart attack. What do I do?"

Hailey chewed her lower lip as she thought for a minute.

"Honestly, Lex? There's really nothing you can do. You know Frank better than any of us. And you and I both know how you feel about him."

But, Hails... he's my ex-husband for a reason."

I looked at her and shrugged.

"Lexi... I've never really asked about it because I trust you... but what is that reason?"

I clamped my mouth shut and shook my head. I just couldn't talk about it. Even after 10 years, I couldn't bring myself to. I dream about it enough as it is.

"I can't, Hails. You know that," I whispered hoarsely.

Hailey sighed.

"Okay, Lexi. Fine. But someday, I hope you can tell me. I am your best friend, you know."

"I know, Hailey! I know! I just can't talk about it because it hurts so damn bad! 10 years later, and it still feels as sharp and as painful as it did the night I told Frank that I wanted the divorce. Never, did I EVER dream that I would end up like my parents, Hails. I would've laughed in your face if you told me 16 years ago that I would get divorced. Dammit, I hate that word!"

A tear rolled down my cheek. Only then did I realize I was crying.

"This isn't how my happy ending was supposed to go."

"I know, Lexi. I know."
♠ ♠ ♠
Annnnd... Chaptah 10-- complete!

I hope you guys are enjoying this sequel as much as I'm enjoying writing it.

Let me know what you think, PLEASE. Por favor.S'il vous plaƮt. Bitte. Alstublieft. Behag.

Thank you. Gracias. Merci. Vielen Dank. Obrigado. Takk deg.

