To Be Careless Is to Be Reckless

Chapter 17


It was a Friday night, my kids were gone, and I was all alone in my big house. I had no work backed up, and nothing to do except settle in with a glass of wine and my TV remote. I was bored, didn't want to be, and didn't have to be... and I knew exactly who to call.


"Hey, Frank, it's Alex."

"Oh, hey! What's up?"

"I'm bored."

Frank began laughing hysterically.

"Jesus, you're funny. We haven't done the 'I'm bored' calls since we were in high school."

"I know. I have a crazy idea, though."

"Yeah? Throw it out there, let me hear it."

"Do you wanna meet me for dinner somewhere?"


I sighed and slumped down in my seat.


"I was thinking I'd come over and we could order out. How 'bout it?"

I grinned. To hell with the past, right?

"That sounds even better. See you in fifteen?"

"Don't go anywhere--- make it ten!"

I laughed, said goodbye, and hung up. Sure enough, ten minutes later, Frank was at my front door.

"Hey you," I said, letting him in.

"Hey yourself. So, are Destiny and Nick going to join us for dinner?"

I smiled to myself as we headed for the kitchen.

"No, not tonight. They're staying at their friends' houses, so... it's just us. Now you see why I was so bored?"

Frank laughed.

"Yes, I do. So, what's on the menu for tonight?"

I looked at him.

"Do you really have to ask, Frankie?"

"Chinese, I know. How could I ever forget? Every tour we went on... and while you were pregnant?! The Chinese were thinking of making you an empress!"

I laughed.

"Just order the food, smartass."

Thirty minutes later, we were sitting in my dining room, chopsticks in hand, passing each other cartons of food. I looked up at Frank and smiled.

"You know, this is nice," I said.

"Yes, it is," Frank agreed.

"I'm glad you came, you know. Glad I called you."

Frank put down his chopsticks and looked at me.

"Alex, why did you call me?"

"Well, I like your company."

"And that's all?"

I sighed and swallowed my food.

"No. I called because I miss you. Very much."

Frank got up, walked over to me, took my face in his hands, and kissed me.

"Baby, that's all I needed to hear."

And suddenly, we both realized-- it wasn't dinner we were both hungry for... it was each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
OooooOOOoooh! Are they becoming Sexy Lexi and Freaky Frank again? XD

(If you don't get that, you need to get OFF of To Be Careless..... and get over to the series She Could Care Less and read it BEFORE TBCITBR!)

Continue on, people. :]]