To Be Careless Is to Be Reckless

Chapter 18


I was laying beside Lexi, who was asleep, gently running my fingers through her hair.

The radiating love I had for this woman could melt someone's face off, it was that strong and intense.

Maybe now, maybe after the amazing thing we'd both taken part in... maybe I wouldn't have to make up for what I'd done to my family.

Maybe we actually could pick up from where we'd left off at. I smiled and stared at the ceiling as I let my fingers drift across Lexi's arm in a soothing dance.

She stirred beside me, stretching like a cat, and smiled up at me.

"Hey, Sleepyhead. Did you sleep well?" I asked.

She nodded.

"To be honest, Frankie, that was the best night's sleep I've had in a long time. You?"

"The very best babe. The kids coming back today?"

"Uhm... I'm not really sure. It's only Saturday, and most weekends they stay gone until Sunday

"Wanna come to Gee's with me today, then? He's having the guys and their wives over for a

She looked down.

"I dunno, Frank. That might not be such a good idea."

I took her hand in mine and kissed it.

"Look, honey. The guys are the same as they've always been, and you're friends with the girls.
We're all friends. It'll be great. You'll see."

She shrugged.

"Okay, I'll go. But! We are not telling anyone we're together, okay?"

"Okay. But... does this mean we're together?"

She looked into my eyes and smiled.

"Let's take this one day at a time, okay, Frankie?"

I grinned back.

"You got it, babe."
♠ ♠ ♠
Well... not much I can say. Read on, eh?
