To Be Careless Is to Be Reckless

Chapter 27


Silence. The silence that was enveloping my dining room was deafening. I looked around the table. My mom was staring at Frank as if he had leprosy, Frank was looking down at his food as if it were the most interesting thing ever, Destiny was picking at her veggies, and Nick was repeatedly stabbing his chicken. Yup... disaster.

"So..." I said, "Nick! How was school?"

He glared up at me. I don't think he's ever glared at me before.

"What... the hell... were you thinking? he asked between clenched teeth.

"Excuse me?!"

"I said, what the hell were you thinking, inviting this disgrace into our home and to dinner?!"

"Nicholas Anthony Thomas! How dare you speak to me like that!"

I looked at Frank. His face was frozen with shame, his cheeks a bright crimson.

"How dare i? How dare You! How could you, after 10 years of divorce and no contact, bring the man who caused all our problems here?! I've been silent for so long, but I'm tired of it! I don't wanna be here anymore! I wanna live with Grandma!"

Nick jumped up from his chair and ran off.

"Frank, I think it's best if you leave now," my mom said.

He nodded and left without a word.

"Alexandra, maybe it would be best if Nick stayed with me for a few days. I'll talk with him."

"Fine, Mom. Take him. He obviously doesn't want to be here with me."

What have I done?
♠ ♠ ♠
6 more chapters left. Thank you to those that are actually reading. I don't get many readers on this anymore. :]]

Comments are greatly appreciated.

Also, check out the series '99 Ways To Save A Life'. It's a collaboration story with multiple authors. It's amazing, and I'm happy to be a part of it. :]]