To Be Careless Is to Be Reckless

Chapter 28


"I'll never be forgiven," I said sadly.

Gee just shook his head.

"That's not true, Frank. Look, Lexi forgave you. That's something, right?"

I shrugged. I hadn't talked to Lexi since the dinner thing at her house two weeks ago.

"But Nick's my kid, Gerard, and so is Destiny. It wasn't just me and Alex all those years ago. Look at what I've done to my children!"

A few tears slipped from my eyes.

"It's just so hard, you know? I know that nothing I do can fix this. I'll never get my family back. And I know that if Alex and I never work through this and remarry or something... I'll never love anyone else, to put it simply."

"Frankie, do what you gotta do. You're my best friend, and I'm behind you a hundred percent. But you have to go easy on the kids. Nicky's definitely not a stupid kid-- his IQ's 132, for Christ's sake-- but I don't think he understands what's going on."

A few more tears escaped the corners of my eyes.

"See, Gerard?! I should know what my kid's fucking IQ is! I don't deserve to even know my children. I should leave them alone for good."

"No, you shouldn't. You should take back what wa always yours to begin with... just gently. They love you, Frank, whether the know it or not, and whether they like it or not."
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5 more chapters left.

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