To Be Careless Is to Be Reckless

Chapter 31


"I hate you."

"No, Nicky, you don't. You're just pissed off."

I was driving back from my mom's house, my unwilling son in tow.

"No, I do. I really hate you."

I was so tempted to just reach over and smack the hell out of him, but I don't believe in that. It might make me feel an ounce better, but it's not the answer.

"Hey, Nick? Guess what? You're grounded for two weeks! Keep it up."

"But, MOM!"

"Don't 'but Mom' me! You're making a real ass of yourself right now, and I don't appreciate it one bit. Now close your mouth. It's not up for discussion."

He sighed.

"You just don't get it, Mom. You just don't understand anything."

I slammed my hand on my steering wheel.

"What, Nick? Exactly what is it that I'm not understanding? I'm at my wit's end here. Please, fill me in so I can fix this whole damn thing. Please!"

"Mom, it's not fair that Dad gets to come back after what he did and pretend like nothing happened."

"I'm the one who asked him back into our lives, Nick. Me! I've given you and your sister everything you could possibly want to make you happy. When is it my turn, huh? I'm not happy anymore! I have not been fully happy since the divorce. Baby, I've got a lot of history with that man... I've known him for 28 years, son. History doesn't go away, and I will never stop loving him. Just let me have this chance. Let me try just one more time, baby. Please."

I looked over at Nick, tears glistening in my eyes.

"I'm really sorry, Mom. I don't hate you, I love you."

"I love you too, Nicky, with all my heart. But you're still grounded."

"Awh, man!"
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Sheez. Only 2 more chapters, and then it's all over. I've been working on the entire series (including She Could Care Less) for so long now, that I dunno what I'll do. I'm working on a few things, including a full ORIGINAL series. Should be exciting! :]]

Until then, I'll probably be lurking around in the writing contest. :3

Comments, subscriptions, love, feedback, please? Thanks. <33