To Be Careless Is to Be Reckless

Chapter 32


My house was so quiet, I could feel the silence swelling around me. I was laying on my bed, my eyes closed and my hands folded on my stomach. I was tired, more tired than I'd been in a long time, but I couldn't sleep. My brain wouldn't let me. I thought I heard a noise in the kitchen, but I ignored it. Wait... were those footsteps coming down the hall? I laughed to myself. Sleep deprivation could play some mean tricks sometimes. Then...

I heard my bedroom door squeak open.

"Frankie?" a voice whispered.

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed, and dove to the floor.


"Frankie, it's Lexi."

I peeked over my bead.


"Heh, yeah. Hi, Frankie."

I slowly got up from the floor.

"How... how in the hell did you get in here?" I asked.

"You still keep the Hide-A-Key in the same place."

"Dammit. I keep forgetting to move that."

"So, is this a bad time, or...?" she asked.

I shook my head as I sat down on my bed.

"Not at all. Come sit, tell me what's up. I've missed you."

She smiled and sat down beside me.

"I've been talking with the kids, trying to help them understand our situation. I think they're starting to get it."

"Oh?" I didn't want to get my hopes up, but this sounded promising.

"You know that I love you, Frank. I always have, and you know that we need to give ourselves another chance. We can't just throw away 28 years of history."

I nodded.

"We really do, Lexi. I'm more than willing. I want a life with you again. I want 'us' back."

"We'll get there, Frankie. I know we will. I have full faith in it. Which is why I've talked to the kids... We want you to come stay with us for awhile, to get a feel of things, of how things would work."

It felt like my eyes were gonna pop out of my head.

"We? as in all three of you?"

She nodded.

"Babe, I think that's the best thing I've heard since you told me you were pregnant with Nick."
♠ ♠ ♠
Welp, this is the second to last chapter. The last one is an epilogue of sorts. No dialogue.

Like I've been saying, I've loved writing this for you, even if I did get stuck for a while. To those who still stuck around waiting for me to start this back up, that's so amazing, and I thank you very much.

I'm glad you've enjoyed this. This is my personal favorite, and I'll always hold you, the readers, in high regards for helping make it what it is. Thanks. :]]