To Be Careless Is to Be Reckless

Chapter 7


"Want to come to my house? I found myself asking Frank.

He gulped.

"Is your mom home?"

I nodded. I could see him squirming in his seat.

"I dunno, Dessie. That might not be such a good idea."

I groaned.

"Oh, come on! You were married to the woman, for Christ's sake! The least you could do is sit down and talk over coffee. It can't be that bad."

He sighed.

"You're right. You're absolutely right. Does she know you were meeting me here?"

"Uhm... not exactly. She knows I was meeting someone here, but not you in particular."

"So, we're basically ambushing her?"

"Pretty much."

"Des, Des, Des... you really are like your old man. I know you're not gonna give up, so come on then."

I stood up, clapped, then hugged him. Frank had drove, so he followed me to my house. We got out, and Frank let out a low whistle as he looked at our house.

"Nice house," he commented.

"Yip. Mama's music store has done exceptionally well these past 17 years. It's where I work, too."

Frank smiled.

"I always loved that store. Couldn't believe she self-owned a store at 19. Paid for and everything."

I nodded.

"Thanks to you and your band. Mama wouldn't have been able to do it if she hadn't been your manager."

"I know. we always put extra money in her check because we knew it was a dream of hers."

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you for helping her dream come true, Dad. I know you've got good intentions when it comes to Mom."

He smiled and nodded.

"I do."

He took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Well, let's get this over with, shall we?"

I opened the front door and closed it behind Frank.

"Mama? I'm home, and I brought someone with me to see you," I called.

"Be right there, sweetheart!"

I looked at Frank.

"Are you nervous?" I whispered.

"You could say that, yes."

We had our backs to the kitchen, but I turned around as Mama walked in.

"Hi, Mama."

"Hi, Dessie. Who's your friend?"

Frank turned around, and both he and Mama paled. You could see years of emotion pooling in their eyes.

"H-hello, Frank. You look... well," Mama stammered.

"Hello, Alexandra. You look... as gorgeous as you did at 19."

I glanced at them, and it was as if nothing existed but the two of them.

Oh, this would be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took me so long to post this one.

I felt absolutely no motivation. What. So. Ever.

No readers, no comments, no subscribers?

Now why would I post a new chapter when it seems as if no one likes this sequel anymore?

If not for Breanna/love of vengeance, THIS chapter wouldn't have been posted.

So. You want more? Well, I want readers, comments, and subscriptions first.
