Ordinary Day

Just A Day, Just an Ordinary Day, Just Trying To G

I sat behind the counter at the small video store in my hometown. Just reading a celebrity gossip magazine and chewing some juicy fruit. It was just an ordinary day.
My boss, Jasper, abruptly came into the store. He never came here unless there was an emergency or to fire someone…
Oh, crap.
Quickly, I put my bangs behind my ears, spit my gum out in the garbage and stashed my magazine beneath the counter.
“MORRISON!” Jasper roared as he came towards the counter.
I tried to rack my brain to figure out what I had done this time. Had a put an X-rated movie in a kids’ movie case again. Haha, that was funny…
“ANASTASIA MORRISON!” Jasper yelled again.
“Hi, Jasper!” I said cheerfully, “How are you today?”
“I am HORRIBLE!” Jasper snapped, “And it’s entirely YOUR fault.”
He pointed an accusing finger at me. I gulped and looked at my friend and coworker, Melanie, who was helping a customer. She sent me a pitying look.
“Jasper, whatever I did, was not my fault.”
Jasper scoffed, “Oh yeah? Did you serve this man today?” He put a picture of a man’s mug shot on the counter.
Aw, man!
“He just escaped from jail!”
“Yeah, oh. We could get sued!”
“Look, Jasp, I’m sorry! I didn’t know! Why am I getting in trouble?”
“Because, otherwise I’ll get the blame! If I fire you, than I won’t be able to be sued.”
“Are you serious? You’re firing me for a stupid mistake? Jasper, that’s not fair.”
“It’s the way the world works, Anastasia.”
I tore my nametag off my shirt.
“Ooh, be careful. Don’t tear the shirt.” Jasper said.
I chucked my nametag at him.
“You suck, Jasper.”
And I left the store. For good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Review, pweeze?

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