The Pain I've Grown to Know

Wanted ***

Allie's P.O.V.

ok i knew they're had to be a reason why damien left these bottles her. they kind of smelled like fuel. i don't know where he'd get them from. was her trying to hurt me? amber and edward came down stairs amber started looking at the bottles the same way i did.

what's wrong with them amber asked me

they smeel like fuel i told her

what? edward asked coming near me with amber

i smell it too amber said

he really wanted me to drink this i said

yeah he knew you would and you would be dead by morning amber said

he wants her dead edward said in shock

he asked for help and i didn't want to give it to him. i guess he thought it would be better if i was dead. he knew you'd come for me i said

yeah but he doesn't know your half human amber told me

yeah but his plan has some many flaws in it edward said

"so what are you going to do about damien?" amber said

"well i can't kill him and well when he finds out i'm very much alive he'll know i didn't drink and something must be wrong" i said

"your going to fake a pregnancy?" amber asked

"fuck no you can do that" i told her

"ok what does being pregnant have to do with not drinking?" edward asked

"because he knows i was going to be getting send to rehad soon and knew i could never say no to a bottle" i said

"so your going to say you gave up drinking?" amber asked me

"yeah what's so wrong about that?" i asked

"because everyone thought you'd die from drinking" amber said

"i can't believe that" edward said

"why not?" amber asked him

"because i never seen her drink before" he told her

"ok i am here you do know that and he tried to kill me" i said

"we know" amber said

"what are you going to do with those?" edward asked

"how do you throw away fuel?" i asked them

"it depends on the type of fuel" edward said

"ok smartass tell us what kind it is" amber told edward

"just because i know more things that you doesn't make me smart. i've just lived longer" he said with a smile

we kept talking and my eyes started getting heavy. i soon felt the pillow under my head.

hold on how the fuck did that happen? i opened my eyes and saw i was in my bed and edward was near me.

"i'm awake" i said

"yeah but you want to sleep" he said

"what's your point?" i asked him

"just sleep. i'm going to be here and nothing could come within miles of us" he said

"why don't you check on amber?" i asked him

"because she's asleep and in her room" he said

"well i can't tell you to sleep because you can't" i told him

"yes you know much about me but i just want to watch you sleep" he told me

"why because you can't?" i asked him

"well i do other things other than just watching you" he said

"your not hungry?" i asked him

"a little" he said

"well there should be animals near here" i told him

"what kind?" he asked me

"deer for sure i don't know what else" i told him

"yeah i might have to go for a hunt now but just sleep ok" he told me

"where else am i going to leave to?" i asked him

"i'm not sure but you'd try to leave" he told me

"right now this bed feels good to me" i said closing my eyes
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