The Pain I've Grown to Know

Looking at her

Edward's P.O.V.

amber got back from leaving emily off. she went to allie's room. she came out fast

"where did she go?" she asked me

"she not in her room?" i asked

"no she's gone" amber said

"what?" i said and went upstairs into her room.

she was here i thought

she left but where? amber said

she had to be looking for somthing by the way the room looks i said

"a bottle" amber said out loud.

she looked threw the room fast and didn't find one. we both knew where allie was then.

amber kept looking at the clock. it was two in the morning. allie still wasn't here. we just sat at the stairs and waited for her. she soon showed up. she looked kind of drunk too.

"where did you go?" amber asked worried

"christina's" she said

"how much did you drink?" she asked allie

"six maybe seven bottles and i made it home without a strach" allie said laughing at the end

"your coming back with us" she told allie

"fuck no i'm staying here where i belong" she said to amber

"says who?" i asked her

"well you did earlier" she said walking upstairs.

i did tell her see that earlier before she disappeared and made me think she was in her room. she kept thinking if she was making the right choice.

"i'm going to sleep" amber said and went to her room.

i went into allie's room to see if she was asleep. she was asleep on top of everything. i got on the bed with her.

why are we always fighting? i asked

because you like each other and she can't take it amber said

how do you know? i asked

because once you made your choice she left and now we're here with her. allie isn't going to change now either she told me

with what? i asked

well she just started drinking now and she doesn't want to leave again she told me

i know that i told her

i just watched allie sleep. she looks the same when we saved her but this time she blocked me out of her dreams and last time she was too weak to do it.

i looked at the time and saw it was 11 in the afternoon and she was still asleep. i saw her moving more. she'd be waking up soon.

"what time is it?" she asked

"11" i told her

"great i need more sleep" she said

"well you had a good time last night" i told her

"yeah and i missed that" she said.

"why do we always have to fight?" i asked her

"because you tell me something so i tell you something back then we fight" she told me

"can we stop for now?" i asked her

"depends" she said

"depends on what?" i asked

"well i'm staying here so i guess we don;t have to fight while your here" she told me

"you can't stay here" i told her

"why not?" she asked me looking at me this time.

"because we need to talk about things" i told her

"ok well i'm still staying here" she said

"your so stubborn" i told her

"you are too" she said
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