The Pain I've Grown to Know

Back to hell

Next Morning

Still Allie's P.O.V.

i woke up and all my stuff in my room was packed. i saw my outfit on a chair. they really knew i wasn't going to be happy so they left edward in the room alone with me

who packed my shit? i asked

amber and alice he told me

why? i asked him

do you really think we're going to let you live alone after what just happened? he asked me

maybe i said

you know i don't want to be without you he said

we all make choices and mine was to be alone i told him

he didn't answer me but left the room. he moved many out the boxes out of my room now. i knew i wasn't getting my way with him. i went to the bathroom to get dressed so he can do what he's been doing.

it was time to leave. i knew i was coming back but i just wanted to stay here and relax. is that so much to ask for?

"what are you thinking about?" amber asked me

"why i have to go back" i told her

"you know why" she told me

"yeah but i'm here everyone's here. why can't i just stay?" i asked

"because we don't want nothing to happen to you" she told me

"that wasn't my fault though" i said

"allie calm down" alice said

"but i want to sleep in that bed upstairs though" i said

"you'll sleep in forks like the rest of us" my mother said

"you never let me have any fun" i said pouting.

edward came behind me and put my in the car with him. they knew that probly was going to be the only was i went back.

we got off the plane. i already knew we're back in washington. my luck right? this time emmett and esme picked us up from the airport. i knew this was going be be a long drive but at leasted esme was driving my range rover. i don't even want to think what emmett would do to it.

"so she's back for good this time?" emmett asked

"not really" i said

"allie" my mother said

we soon left the airport and headed back to my personal hell. forks. i still can't believe i fucked up this bad to be here again. well i haven't seen jacob in a long time maybe he'd help me leave. hold on no he won't amber would be mad at him. yeah i'm screwed here.

we got to our house and the guys to the packs to the rooms. yeah i had the most bags since i got screwed. i know i might have feelings for edward but what's going on between him and bella though? i mean he made it seem like their breaking up.

i know this might seem mean but that good for me but i just want him to make the right choice and not the wrong one. well i'm probly the wrong choice altogether though. i need to stop having bad thought about myself.

"edward i have a question for you" i asked him

i blocked my thoughts so he can't hear them. i didn't want him to know my questions.

"ok. why did you block your mind from me?" he asked

"because i want to ask you some questions but not threw my mind" i told him

"ok what are they" he asked me

"what's really going on with you and bella?" i asked him

"i don't know why?" he asked me

"because what you said when i was in the hospital" i told him

"allie i want to be with you but i'm still with bella" he said

"you do know she is better for you than i am" i told him

"not really. i'm scared i'd hurt her and you i can't hurt" he said

"but i'm still half human though" i said

"yeah but your almost a full vampire and you can take things she can't" he said

"so this is all about who my parents are?" i asked him

"no it's not like that. i care about you because of who you are and nothing is stopping me from having you on my mind" he said

"ok i guess" i told him

"i need to talk to bella" he said and left the house.

great i just hope they don't break up.
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