The Pain I've Grown to Know


Next Day

Allie's P.O.V.

as much as i hated school i hated sitting around the house being bored out of my mind. i mean i can't be home and be bored. plus today i knew alice and edward would be at school.

i choose out my outfit and laid it on my bed. i knew i was going to take a quick shower then do my hair and make up. i started thinking was i ready to go back to school?

i mean i could stay out but i was just to bored here. i needed to do something to entertain myself. well i could watch tv all day but that's not that much fun anymore. i needed to get out of this house.

i soon finished doing everything i had to and walked downstairs. i saw amber was dressed and ready to go. she was making breakfast as my mother and the person i hated most was reading the paper.

"your going to school?" amber asked me

"might as well" i told her

"why? i mean you could stay here all day and do nothing" she told me

"it's fucking boring here" i told her

"true" she told me

"your going to school today?" the prick asked

"it's better than being here" i told him

"are you really that bored here?" my mother asked me

"yeah i need to do something" i told her

"don't worry mom we'll keep a close eye on her" amber said

"yeah it's not like i'm going to get hurt or anything" i said looking at him

he looked at me. i don't think he's told my mother the truth. plus he tried to kill me but that didn't work to well as you can see i'm still half alive.

we soon ate our food and left the house. amber was driving my range rover. our mother didn't want me driving let alone going to school but she knew i'd sneek out anyways. i knew i had to enroll again.

"mom and dad already enrolled you yesterday" amber told me

"thankd for dipping into my minds" i told her

"no problem" she told me

"i wonder what everyone's going to think since i'm back" i said

"well everyone was wonder why bella was down then they found out edward broke up with her" she told me

"did they figure out why?" i asked her

"no but once everyone sees you then they think of why" she told me

"oh great" i said

she soon pulled up into the parking lot. i got out of the car and all eyes were on me.

'i can't believe she's back' i heard mike newton think

"great i'm the talk of the school again" i told amber

we went to the main office and got my schedule. they we're even talking about me. i hated this attendtion. i mean why do i have to get it. it's not like i'm new here.

i walked to my class. i knew i had edward in the class. i saw he was already there. he looked kind of suprised to see me. everyone in the class did.

"welcome back ms. venom" the teacher told me

"yeah whatever" i said taking my seat

"suprised you came back today" edward told me

"it'd better than being in hell" i told him

"your the talk of the school" he told me

"i heard you were yesterday" i told him

"so i've heard" he sighed and told me

"what's wrong?" i asked him

"well i was wonder what your doing this weekend?" he asked me

"nothing why?" i asked him

"well let's go out then" he told me

"are you sure?" i asked him

"yes" he told me

"alright then" i told him

more people started coming into the class. they saw me and looked at edward. maybe i should of stayed home.
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i want 3 for the next update
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