The Pain I've Grown to Know


Next Morning

Allie's P.O.V.

Edward was basically with me the whole night. I mean I've liked this guy but now everyone knows how we both feel. I still feel really bad though. I mean for Bella. I hate being in the middle and people hating me just for coming back.

I just shook my thoughts and decided to get ready for school. I choose my outfit and it seemed to fit me for the day.

i walked downstairs and saw my mom and the douche reading the paper and amber was already eating.

"Fuck I'm starving" I said

"I already made you your breakfast and it's waiting for you to eat" my mom told me

"Thanks" I said grabbing the plate and eating the food.

I dipped into the pricks thoughts. He was going to tell my mom what we really are. This can be interesting.

"Honey I've been meaning to tell you a very important secret that might help you understand why things happen" he told her

Honey? OK I'm going to be sick now.

"What secret?" she asked him

"Well it's a little hard to say but you have to believe me since this is the truth" he told her

"Alright just tell me" she told him

"Well I'm not human" He said

She laughed. I don't blame her I didn't believe the truth either. He grabbed her hand and places it over his heart. Her laughing stopped when she felt no heart beat.

"What are you?" she asked

"Well I'm a vampire and the girls are half" he told her

"Do you really think I believe that? What are werewolves real too?" she asked

I was holding back laughs at that part. I looked at my plate and saw I first ed. I'm still hungry though.

"We're going to school now" Amber said

"But this was getting good" I said

"Are you still hungry?" She asked me

"Yeah" I said

The prick when to a cabinet that was locked. He pulled something out.

"Drink" He told me

"What is it?" I asked

"You don't have to stop before going to school" He told me

I opened the bottle and saw it was blood. Wonder how long that has been there?

"Hunt?" my mother asked

"She drinks blood like me" he told her

She was shocked by everything. Me and Amber left before things got bad. Amber drove my car again and we got to school. Edward and Alice we're waiting for us.

"How was your morning?" Alice asked

"Eventful" I said

'What happened? edward asked me

'you can go threw my thoughts' i told him

He did and saw everything. The bell soon rang and we went to class. I was still the talk of the school. Yet more now that me and Edward we're walking together.
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