The Pain I've Grown to Know

What are you doing here?

Allie's P.O.V.

i've been in texas for almost a day now. i'm staying at my home. well the home before we moved to forks. i've been eating alot of food. i mean well i missed alot of food they don't have in forks. michael's family told me i could stay with them but i told them i want to be here. they understand and told me to eat dinner with them as much as possible.

my sell phone started to ring. my ID said alice. great what are they up to now.

"hello" i answered my phone.

"edward convince amber that you should here not far away from your family" she told me.

"why would he do that?" i asked her.

"because he said he made a mistake" she explained.

"well it's to late now" i said

"well he's on his way with amber now" she said

"when does their plane arrive?" i asked her.

"about 10 minutes" she told me.

"great now i have more drama to deal with" i said

"well he's admitting he made a mistake but he wants to see you more though" she told me.

"but i can't see him now. i'm going out tonight" i told her

"where to?" alice asked me

"michael's family invited me to dinner" i said

"oh. well can't you go another night?" she asked me

"yeah but i already had this planned before he conned my sister into bringing him here" i told her.

"well they're be calling you soon" she told me

"to pick them up?" i asked her

"exactly" she said

"well i'll talk to you later alice" i told her

not even 10 minutes after me and alice got off the phone amber called me.

"go back home and take him with you" i told her

"that's not nice" amber said

"i know" i told her

"hole on how did you know we're coming?" she asked me

"the voices in my head" i told her

"well come pick us up. we'll leave you alone to do whatever you want" amber said

"fine" i said and hung up the phone.

it can't be that bad with edward here. i mean he won't go outside during the day but i'm sure his girlfriend would miss him though. i wonder does she know he's here and not there. this might get very interesting.

i soon arrived at the airport. i didn't have my range rover but i had my avenger. it's still a great car though.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" i asked them when i pulled up.

"i missed you already" she told me

"then why not just call me before he conned you into coming" i asked her

"well she was willing to come" he told me

"great now i have to deal with you on my mini vacation" i told him.

"why is this a vacation?" he asked me

"because my problems we're in forks but now they seem to be with me" i told him.

they put their things in the truck and we left the airport. i still can't believe he came here. why now? what did i do to him?

it's really nice to see you again edward told me.

yeah i bet i told him.

both of you behave amber said

why? i was trying to start over i said

"how?" edward said

"many ways. oh yeah i'm going out tonigt" i told them.

"where to?" amber asked me

"well michael's parents asked me to join them for dinner" i told her

"well i can come too" she said

"yeah but someone doesn't eat and there no animals around" i said

"why did you kill them already?" he asked me coldly.

try not to lose your temper. you know you still like him. well thought you did before you he choose bella. why did he have to come?
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