Mall of Vetis

It all starts with a Perfume Sniper trying to get her quota in for the day. A Pizza place where the toppings are an art masterpiece, You can never trust the Cookies at the cookie store, and the people at subway glare when you order meat.

Co-Authors are : Toesofthetickledkind, Never_Again, myfriendfredric, and life_is_no_cabaret
  1. Quota
    “Did you meet your quota?”
  2. Cookies and Broken Records
    "We at Macy's would like to apologize for making you smell good."
  3. Toys War!
    she was just shocked at how he had actually gone in a changing room for once. Why couldn't he go in there when he wanted to try on pants?!
  4. Christmas is Near
    Ryan has been working at Coffee Hop for about a week now.
  5. Switching Figurines.
    "Did you clean the windows?" William walked into the room holding a box of cards in his hands. He was wearing a sweater, again.
  6. Santa Breaks Bones
    "Oh hey, is it Pleading with Patrick day?" Pete says peering at them from the aisle, "Awesome, I haven't played this game in a while!"
  7. New Years Fun
    “Whatever happened to Christmas spirit?” Brian pouted at her before ringing up a Metallica tee-shirt and tossing it on. “Didn’t you get the memo, that shit has been over for four days, and Parker is still storming into my office complaining about bei
  8. Satan's Day Is Coming
    "You can break my wrist but I'm still gonna to kiss you" he smiled.
  9. Total Eclipse of the Heart
    “Valentine‘s Day is lovely.” Heaven sighed, her eyes dilated, with a smile on her face. It was obvious she was thinking about Ryan.
  10. Avoiding Love.
    William walked out of the stock room holding a broom in his left hand and sporting a very unpleasant expression. Nell just held back a giggle as she took the broom and proceeded to sweep up the floor.
  11. Choas and Dissorder
    “This is total chaos,” Matt was yelling out as he made his way toward the door with Dan following behind him. “When I get my hands on Iero I’m going to make him wish he never started working here.”
  12. Olly Olly Axe in the Cheek
    She slides into Picasso Pizza and ducks behind the counter. Joe is already there, eating straight from the pan of mozzarella cheese, which he'd pulled down off the counter and set in his lap.
  13. Bad Ninjas And Flying Jimmys
    "How did you find me?" Mikey pouted after Nicole threw a bouncy at his head when he attempted to run away, claiming that she didn't see him because he was invisible.
  14. Tents Are Not Only For Camping
    “You hid at your house, that doesn‘t count.” Tarra called from behind Frank’s back.
  15. Van Troubles and Life-Like Mannequins.
    Nicole sighed and took out her cell phone, texting Heaven that she had found William amongst the 'fresh fashions for summer'.
  16. The Irish Charm
    “Look it Tarra I captured a Leprechaun, and He promised me three wishes just like King Brian on Darby O’Gill and the little People” Heaven’s eyes where wide and Frank was Skipping around Java the Hut hitting Spencer and Ryan with his Shillelagh every
  17. Fear and Respect the Escalator
    Heaven looks down at her Team Smith t-shirt she made with permanent marker and shrugs, "Dude, I've made out with you before," she says, "And I gotta tell you, it didn't really rock my world."
  18. It's Killing Time
    "She yelled at me in French" he squeaked. "French is the language of love Gabe" Heaven snickered "I'm sure it wasn't that bad" "She makes the language of love sound like the language of 'I'm going to kill you and they'll never find your body'"
  19. Nerf Guns, and Wizards
    “Now I can say I was arrested by a mall cop.”
  20. Follow the Clues
    "Can I go now? You smell like green peppers and plastic." Patrick's expression resembled that of a ticked off cat.