Mall of Vetis

Olly Olly Axe in the Cheek

Heaven jolts when Frank sticks his head into Forever 21 and starts yelling hide-and-seek at the top of his lungs. The last time this happened they'd lost about two thousand dollars in stock before Bob and Matt decided that it would be best for the mall to close down for the rest of the day. The corporate headquarters of Macy's hadn't been too terribly happy with her.

Heaven sucks in a breath and glares at Gabe, "I hate this game."

"Just be happy you're not William," Gabe tells her, "He always loses."

And yeah, that's true. William sucks at hide-and-seek worse than her and Tarra put together. William couldn't hide in a room full of supermodels. She snickers out loud at the thought and Gabe raises an eyebrow at her and waits for her to share the joke.

"Its true," she says, "William couldn't blend in in a room full of supermodels." Gabe laughs.

"Wait, who's it?" Heaven groans, wishing she'd grabbed Frank while he was still in plain sight.

She runs out of Forever 21 and skids to a halt in front of a potted plant. Customers are running for the doors like bats out of hell and she flinches when one kid runs straight into an electronic door before it opened completely. She shrugs, because even blond kids know to slow down for slow opening doors and runs to Java the Hut.

No one is behind the counter and Heaven figures that Spencer is probably in the back looking for more pastries or something, because he's been running the front with Ryan while Tarra has been avoiding most the the guys she knows. Heaven climbs over the counter and under the sink closing the doors after her. She's not too sure how long she's actually going to want to hide here, because she has just enough leg for it to be uncomfortable.

Still, she reclines back, turns her cell on silent, on the off chance that William tries to cheat again, and plays with the games on her phone. She's in the middle of buying new ringtones for Ryan and Brendon when the cabinet doors swing open.


Spencer shrieks like a girl and drops the glass blender that he's holding. It shatters into a million pieces and he blinks down at it in disbelief. Heaven runs before he tries to throat punch her. She's seen him do it to a customer before, and she'd really rather not have a huge bruise in the middle of her throat if she can't help it.

She slides into Picasso Pizza and ducks behind the counter. Joe is already there, eating straight from the pan of mozzarella cheese, which he'd pulled down off the counter and set in his lap.

"Dude," she says, "Is that shit kosher?"

Joe blinks down at it, studies it for a moment and shrugs, "Probably not. But neither is my weed. And I've smoked a lot of that today."

Heaven doesn't doubt it, not with how wide, glossy, and red his eyes are. She shakes her head and wishes she'd caught him when he was toking up. High Joe is fun. Smoking Joe is awesome. Her favorite ever.

"This is my hiding spot," Joe says, "But I can share."

He slides open the pot cabinet in the bottom of the island in the kitchen and climbs into it, laying face down on all of the pots. His face rests on a sauce pan and he grins, pulls the cheese in with him and slides the cabinet door closed again.

Heaven tries really hard not to laugh.

She slips out of the kitchen, staying low to the floor, and peeks out into the corridors. They're empty so she takes a chance and runs low to the middle of the floor, and ducks inside a tunnel in the kiddie play area. She army crawls as quietly as she can and lays down flat when she hears sound outside in the hallway.

She texts Tarra, who the fuck is it? and gets Haner back as a reply.

She peeks out, doesn't see anyone and runs to the next shop. Hallmark is not a good place to hide, so she ducks out and makes a long run for the Disney Store. She slides on her knees down and ducks below the windows, peeking out. Brian crosses in front of her and she sinks down and lies flat on her back.

She's on her third pass in front of Forever 21 when she stops and looks at the window display. There is seriously something weird going on, because she could have sworn that the mannequin was facing a different way earlier. Figuring that Gabe had been playing with his dolls she shrugged and ran into Macy's.

She dive bombs into the woman's section of the store and army crawls on the floor. It's not really necessary, but what the hell, she's totally playing to win. Choosing a random rack of jeans she climbs through to the middle, managing to hit her head on the way, and sits on the floor cross-legged.

She pulls out her phone and plugs in her headphones, dialing up the internet and getting caught up on her Supernatural. She's completely pissed when Brendon finds her.
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Tarra and I officially changed the name of the Coffee Hop to Java the Hut.