Mall of Vetis

Bad Ninjas And Flying Jimmys

"Nicole!" William smiled running into Forever 21 and up to the girl who was glaring slightly at him.

"What William?" she questioned folding a pair of pants and placing them where they belonged. They had been thrown on the floor and left there last time Gabe had decided to try on cloths in the middle of the floor.

"Come on" he smiled taking one of her hands and trying to tug her out of the empty store.

Nicole snatched her hand back and glared at him "What do you want William?"

William glanced down at the jewel hung around her neck and sighed. It was the necklace William had forced into her hands on Valentine's day against her protest and complaints. She had taken it home and forgotten about it until she found it in her passenger seat the next day before leaving for work and was shocked when she found the necklace sitting in the jewelry box. Nicole figured William had seen her looking at the same necklace only weeks before wishing she could afford it. She couldn't understand how William had managed it.

"Why do you wear that if you're going to be so cold to me?" he asked looking at her sadly.

"I was nice to you the day after Satan's day" she answered shrugging.

William rolled his eyes. It was true she had been nice to him, but after Heaven had caught them basically eating each other’s faces off she had started giving him the cold shoulder once more. He knew she wasn't the kind of person to let people know her feelings but this was getting ridiculous.

"Fine" he snapped turning and heading towards the store's exit.

"Didn't you want something?" Nicole questioned a little surprised that one he had given up so easily and two that he had snapped at her.

"We are playing hide an seek, Brian is it" he growled "I thought you might want to know and I was going to see if you wanted to hide with me but I guess not" and with that he left the store leaving Nicole standing there shocked. William had never acted that way towards her before.


Nicole pulled out her cell phone as tears pricked her eyes and put in Tarra's number.

I'm not playing

Yes you are! Tarra wrote back a few moments later quickly followed by Play the damn game! from Heaven.

Nicole sighed and sent to both of them Make me

Her phone buzzed and she pulled it back out having two new messages.

Don't make me send Heaven after you!

>=] I will, where are you?

Nicole looked at her phone for a moment slightly scared before sending back Fine, I'll play

She knew exactly where to hide...


Nicole was currently sitting in the far back of Toys R Us cuddled up with the biggest teddy bear she could find. It was almost as tall as she was but then again that wasn't much seeing as she was only 5' 3. The only people in the mall who made her feel tall were little kids, Tarra and Heaven. Then again depending on who you asked the two were considered kids themselves.

Adam had caught Nicole trying to sneak the giant bear out of Toys R Us a few times. The damn thing cost more than $50 and she was not about to spend that much on a stuff animal, not that Adam would let her buy it anyway he loved the damn thing almost as much as she did.

Nicole remembered a child once convincing his mom to buy the bear for him and Adam had scared him into not wanting it by saying the bear liked to eat spoiled brats. Nicole smiled slightly st the memory and wiped away the mascara stains on her cheeks.

What was wrong with her?

Since when did Nicole cry?

"Found her!" a voice that she recognized as Adam's instantly, his smiling face appearing from the Barbie section. Of course he would know where she was hiding. His smile fell when he was the look on her face and her red eyes from crying.

"What?" a voice called coming closer.

"Nothing" Adam called back but there were already four other faces besides Adam that were looking at Nicole laying among the pile of stuff animals the giant bear being her pillow as she wrapped her arms around it.

Brian, Gabe, Matt and Joe all stared at me looking slightly shocked.

"She can cry?" Brian whispered to Gabe shocked.

"She is Human" Gabe whispered back "never seen it before though"

Nicole glared at the two and stood up taking the giant bear with her "Aren't we suppose to be playing a game, not whispering about how shock you are that my tear glands work?" she snapped.

"It is you!" Adam smiled hugging her dramatically "I thought you were a pod person!"

Nicole couldn't help but smile a little at this "No pod people Adam, but this bear is now mine and is coming home with me whether you like it or not"

Adam pouted but didn't argue, sometimes you needed a giant teddy bear to hug.


"How did you find me?" Mikey pouted after Nicole threw a bouncy at his head when he attempted to run away, claiming that she didn't see him because he was invisible.

"A ninja, you're not" she smiled before turning and skipping away, Mikey following her mumbling under his breath.

All traces of the former sadness was gone from her face but Nicole still held the giant teddy bear close to her as she and Adam walked around the mall searching for others now joined by Mikey. Brian, Gabe, Joe and Matt had all gone off to look for people by themselves.

“Where should we look next?” Adam asked hyperly making Nicole question sharing her venom with him earlier.

“Where has no one checked yet?” she asked back.

“I saw Jimmy running towards Macy’s when I was looking for somewhere to hide” Mikey suggested “has anyone found him yet?”

Nicole and Adam both smiled “Nope”


The great thing about a good hiding spot is no one can find you. The bad thing about a good hiding spot is no one can find you and you’re stuck there for a while. A bright idea turned bad that was how Jimmy Sullivan ended up stuck rafters of Macy's trying not to fall.

"Should have hidden in a changing room" he mumbled quietly before hearing footsteps entering the store.

"Do you know where he hid?" a female voice asked someone.

Jimmy wasn't sure who it was, past it not being Heaven or Tarra.

"No, I just know he headed this way" what he was pretty sure was Mikey way answered the girl.

"I want another venom!" another voice added in.

"Not a chance Adam, you couldn't bribe me into giving you one. You are already hyper as hell" the girl answered.

"What if I promised to keep William away from you?"

"No" her voice seemed slightly upset at the mention of William and Jimmy looked down to see Mikey, Adam and Nicole walking through the store.

"So where do you think he is?" Mikey questioned changing the subject.

Jimmy held his breath and hoped they wouldn't hear him breathing and look up. He was even more hopeful that he wouldn't lose his balance and crash to the hard floor, more than likely to break something or himself.

Nicole sighed looking around "Are you sure he came this way?" she asked before hearing a sneeze and yelp of of surprise and looked up just in time to see Jimmy fall from the rafters and land on Adam causing him to let out a yelp of pain.

Nicole laughed "Found you Jimmy!"

This earned her a glare from both Adam and Jimmy while Mikey started laughing, holding his sides.
♠ ♠ ♠
I fail
*Shruggs* But I had an amazing day and I am sure Sarah and Nell's chapters will be way better *nods*
Hope you liked it *smiles*