Mall of Vetis

The Irish Charm

It was St. Patrick’s Day, and Tarra was wishing that she was at home drinking rather than here at work. Her mom had invited her and Heaven to the house for dinner, and she just knew that her parent’s house was going to smell like corned beef and cabbage. A smell that had always made her want to throw up. She personally had never liked Corned Beef and Cabbage when she wasn’t a vegetarian, and now it was worse than before.

Tarra couldn’t help but notice the tension in Forever 21 the next time that she had walked in there. Gabe was lying on the floor making posters and glaring at Nicole, as she was working.

“What the hell is Gabe doing?” Tarra asked looking from Nicole to Gabe and back again.

“He’s planning a boycott because William was dressed like a mannequin and I won’t let him do it,” She tossed the shoe that was in her hand at Gabe’s head making him mess up the block letters that spelled out Only Fool’s Shop at Forever 21 She shook her head before looking over at her Coffee shop. Heaven was storming out of it with an I am going to kill whoever gets in my way look on her face. Shaking her head Tarra quickly grabbed a green scarf. She totally didn’t need Ryan pinching her again all because he didn’t count the green in her Vans because she wore them every day.

She quickly paid for her new scarf and dashed into Java the Hut before Spencer could even realize she was back, but not quick enough that Ryan didn’t catch her.

Tarra groaned from behind her desk in the back of her coffee shop. As Ryan Poked his head in there and stared at her for a good ten minutes before saying anything.

“Heaven wants Irish Coffee and Spencer keeps telling her we don’t Sell Alcohol”

“That explains why she looked ready to kill someone.”

“Probably Spencer, she was going on and on about the fact that you should have Whisky in your desk.” At this Tarra’s eyes went wide, how the hell did she even know that, Zacky only put it in there that morning.

“Zacky put that in there this morning before we even opened how the hell did she know that!” Ryan started laughing and shook his head. No idea, but Spencer keeps glaring at her and telling her no every time that she walks in the store. Only to have he beg before she gets mad and leaves. She’s been in here three times now.”

Tarra shook her head thinking of the looks that the two of them were probably giving each other. She opened her bottom drawer in her desk at the bottle of Jack that Zacky made her promise to hide that morning. Ryan stood up to leave as Spencer quickly knocked on the door signaling that the rush was about to start.

“Oh and Tarra we’re running out of cookies and brownies,” Ryan’s voiced as he opened up her office door before walking out. Sighing she stood up from her desk and went to the small kitchen area to begin making more brownies.

Twenty minutes later and two batches of brownies in the oven, Tarra was glancing over at the showcase to see exactly what kind of cookies was needed.

“Damn it has Heaven been back in?” she asked glaring at Spencer as he walked in from the back room.

“No, why?”

“The snicker doodles are gone,” as soon as the words left her mouth, Heaven danced into Java the Hut and pouted over the emptiness that was the snicker doodles, and asked Ryan to get her a Rainbow cookie instead.

“Have no fear,” Ryan stated as he handed her the cookie. “Boss lady is making more.” She sighed over at him before grabbing his tie and forcing him over the counter so that she could give him a quick kiss.

“Spencer,” Heaven glared over at him as she let Ryan go. “Can I have and Irish Coffee?” She pouted her lip at him and made big doe eyes trying to succumb him into actually making her what she wanted this time.

“I told you before Heaven, we don’t serve alcohol!” Spencer glared over the counter at her as he made a mocha latte for another customer.

“I’m positive that Tarra has some in her desk!” Heaven groaned out at the glare that she was getting.

“It’s Zacky’s,” Tarra mumbled over to her best friend.

“What’s mine?” Zacky asked walking into the shop closely followed by Brian.

I suppose that now is the time that is mentioned that Tarra is still ignoring Brian and Spencer. Though she has to admit that she does watch Spencer’s ass every now and then as he is working; and ventures into Hot Topic to talk to Zacky about Brian.
Zack’s told her repeatedly that she needs to talk to them both, and if she’s up for it, actually go on a date with them both. That thought popped in her head as she looked over at both men in question.

“Earth to Tarra, I asked you a question, babe.” Zacky laughed as e came up behind her as she was mixing her ingredients for the sugar cookies.

“Sorry,” she mumbled out as she began scooping out the dough onto the cookie sheets.

“I asked what was mine,” He laughed out watching her work. Tarra stopped what she was doing to look up at him and smile.

“The bottle of Jack that I have in my desk,” everyone in her shop turned to look at her, as Zacky began to laugh even harder.

“Who was wanting it?”

“Heaven wants Irish Coffee, considering that it is Saint Patty’s Day.” Zacky smirked over at Heaven before walking into Tarra’s office.

“Tarra, can we talk?” she heard the smooth voice of Brian, as she turned around to pull the now down brownies out of the oven.


“What happened, its March and you haven’t spoken to me since I kissed you on New Year’s.” Brian pouted out at her.

“Wait, you kissed Brian on New Year’s too!” Spencer shouted glaring over at the two of them. The old women’s coffee he just served yelped in surprise tossed a twenty on the counter and ran out of Java the Hut before even getting her change.

“Actually Brian kissed me, then you did Spence,” Tarra mumbled as she placed the cookies in the oven. Spencer and Brian were both glaring at each other. She knew something like this would happen if she let that slip, but she seriously wanted her friendship back with the both of them.

“So you’ve been ignoring me because Spencer kissed you?” Brian asked as Spencer kept quite, just glaring at her.

“Actually, it was because you are both great kissers,” Zacky stated as he brought the bottle of Jack to the front and poured some into a cup before handing it to Ryan to make Heaven her Irish coffee she had been wanting all day.

Tarra’s face had turned a bright red. She quickly set the timer in the oven and pointed to Ryan to make sure that he’d take them out before she ran out of her own coffee shop and into where she was hoping was safe ... The Record Shop … Pete was standing on top of a stool trying to keep a green top hat on Patrick’s head.

“Pete, what the hell are you doing to Patrick?”

“Annoying me, by trying to get me to dress like a leprechaun and I keep telling him that Frank is dressed like one, so I don’t need to be.”

“Oh Jeez, I haven’t seen him yet today,” Tarra stated rolling her eyes as she walked over to the seasonal music section.

“Why the hell do you not actually have Seasonal music?” Pete started laughing at her as he looked at where she was looking.

“We got rid of that crap after Christmas and don’t put it back out until then either, that is all we carry.” Patrick was shaking his head as he ran out of the shop and right into Macy’s where Heaven was dragging a very dressed up Frank toward Java the Hut. Tarra grabbed an Apocalyptica CD, threw her money at Pete then quickly rushed out of there just to see Heaven Beaming at Frank and everyone in Java the Hut looking at her like she was crazy.

“Look it Tarra I captured a Leprechaun, and He promised me three wishes just like King Brian on Darby O’Gill and the little People” Heaven’s eyes where wide and Frank was Skipping around Java the Hut hitting Spencer and Ryan with his Shillelagh every time he neared them. He was humming Whisky In The Jar, one of the many Irish pub songs that was currently playing in the Shop as Tarra had ‘borrowed’ her dad’s Irish Folk Song CDs .

“Frankie, Ry looks about to pounce on you next time you hit him,” Heaven stated. Frank soon came over to where Tarra was standing next to Heaven and pounced on them both. The next thing that the three of them knew Frank was being jerked off of them and a very pissed off Mikey Way was glaring at him.

“Subway … NOW,” and Frank was being dragged out by the collar of his green jacket, hitting Mikey in the back of his legs with the Shillelagh the entire time, screaming how it was unfair and that Heaven promised him Irish coffee.

“I didn’t get my wishes,” Heaven pouted as she took a snicker doodle from Ryan before leaving the shop to heading out of the shop mumbling about going to save Nell from William, who was trying to make her clean the entire store.

Tarra shook her head before slipping into her office, but not before she heard a shriek that came from Bert and Jimmy as they ran into the Shop and burst into her office with her.

“What the fuck, guys?”

“Zacky said we can have a shot, we kept bugging him. Are we having a party later?” Jimmy stated as fast as he could while catching his breath.

“Party, no my mom wants me over at her house for dinner.”

“No drinking,” Bert pouted over at her as Jimmy was diging in her desk looking for Zacky’s bottle.

“It’s with Spencer, Zack gave it to him for when Heaven comes in asking for Irish Coffee, which by the way someone should tell her is actually Tea.” She mumbled as she flopped down on her small couch.

“Ah, be right back,” Jimmy and Bert ran out of the office only to return with the bottle and three small cups. Jimmy poured the liquor into three of them and handed one to Tarra. She quickly downed it.

“I only gave you that because I’m also here to warn you,” Bert had taken his cup with him as Jimmy shooed him back to Journey’s to make sure no one tried to get by with stealing the shoes.

“Oh shit what warning?”

“Zacky got you and Brian reservations at a Resteruant and also one for you and Spencer. He’s told Brian, and I told Spencer,” Tarra’s shot up from the couch and glared at Jimmy.

“What the hell!”

“He said and I quote ‘she can go on a date with both of them and then decide which one to date’. Mind you Bert was cackling the entire time saying that you’ll end up going on four or five dates with the both of them. He’s already started collecting bets, Parker thinks you’re going to kill Spencer on the second date, and Jepha says you’ll end up fucking one of them before you decide.”

Shaking her head Tarra shoved Jimmy out of her office. She was fucked ….
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There we have it ... took me ages because of Finals and having so much crap going on right now. Sorry guys ... Heaven's turn now ....