Mall of Vetis

Fear and Respect the Escalator

Heaven is feeling a little like deja vu right now. "Please Patrick?" she pouts, "Pretty please?"

"No," Patrick says heavily. Heaven breaks out her mean look.

"You owe me big time for the Christmas incident," she says meanly and Patrick's face falls, because she sort of has him there. "You should just be happy I didn't make you dress up as a fucking leprachaun for Saint Patty's."

"You're evil," Patrick says with awe in his voice. Heaven doesn't care, Brendon is not being the Macy's Easter Bunny.

"I will see you at three," she says, "Be there or I will hunt you down and kill you."

"You cannot kill Patrick," Pete says, affronted, "He is Patrick."

Heaven pushes Pete over a stack of crates on her way out the door. She heads for Java the Hut and skips the line to lean over the counter.

"Patrick makes me feel old and tired."

"Yeah, I feel your pain," Spencer says in a voice that clearly states that he doesn't care.

"Why don't you like me?" Heaven asks, standing up straight and pinning a look on him, "I like you. I'm totally rooting for you. But you totally act like a douche to me."

Spencer puts the blender down and looks at her. He rubs at an eye and sighs, "I like you. No, seriously, I like. Just, it's our thing."

Heaven nods, "It's our thing, but you could maybe tone it down a little?"

"Alright," Spencer says, "Deal."

"Great," Heaven says evilly, "Now lets talk about how you're going to woo my best friend."


Heaven and Tarra are shopping in Forever 21 when Heaven pulls a shirt of the rack. She wrinkles her nose, shoves it back in a keeps turning. Gabe is some where to their left crawling through the clothes racks to escape Nicole and her wrath. He'd been changing in the aisles a couple of weeks ago and it was just now reaching Nicole. Apparently one of the customers he changed in front of was a secret shopper. They'd been sent a letter from corporate saying that they were going to be inspected within the next two weeks.

To say Nicole is mad is like saying that the war is bad. Understated.

Heaven frowns at a shirt Tarra pulls out and takes it quickly, shoving it back on the rack. She pulls out a few cute skirts and holds them up for inspection, Tarra nods at them both and Heaven slings them over an arm and shuffles over to the next rack. She gives a start when Gabe reaches out and pulls her into the middle with him. He's got his knees pressed to his chest and he's grinning.

"I hear you're black balling Brendon," he says with a chuckle.

"I am not!" Heaven denies loudly, and Gabe shushes her quickly.

"You're not the reason he can't play anymore holiday figures?" Gabe says with an eye cocked.

"He broke the Santa chair!" Heaven says sharply. Gabe just shrugs, and hands her another cute skirt to add to her pile. Then he shoves her unceramoniously out of the clothes.

Tarra helps her up, oohs at the new skirt and pulls her to the next rack. She holds up this hideous ruffled shirt and stares at it. Heaven makes a gagging sound in the back of her throat and grabs it.

"This shirt needs to die," Heaven says seriously while Tarra nods, "Too-many-ruffles." She tosses the shirt into the center of the racks and starts to walk away. Heaven turns a circle to see if there's anything else she wants and comes face to face with Ryan.

He is, sadly, wearing a ruffled shirt with a vest over it. The vest has roses attatched to it all over. She looks down at her I Love My Boyfriend shirt, back up at Ryan, and then shakes her head, "I don't know you." And she turns and walks away to the dressing room.

Tarra snickers at Ryan before following and he shouts after them, "What!?"

She's standing at the register talking to Nicole as she gets rung up when there's a flurry of movement out of the corner of her eye and they both look just in time to see Tarra tackle a mannequin wearing that ruffled shirt.

"What the hell!" Nicole shouts as Tarra stands up and brushes herself off.

"This mannequin hath offended me!" Tarra calls hautily and skips away. Heaven pays for her shit and gets the hell out of there.


"What the hell?" Brian says, sticking his head into Macy's where Heaven is "reprimanding" Sarah for sniping another customer with perfume. Heaven's pretty sure she's going to make the girl employee of the month.

Heaven looks down at her Team Smith t-shirt she made with permanent marker and shrugs, "Dude, I've made out with you before," she says, "And I gotta tell you, it didn't really rock my world."

"This isn't over," Brian says, narrowing his eyes and pointing at her. Heaven is a little scared, because he's from Orange County and has no problem slitting her tires.

"Brian!" she whines after him, pouts for ten seconds and decides to take defensive action. She is totally coming out on top in this war.

She runs to Java the Hut, takes a picture of Spencer right when he turns to look at her, and then runs to the escalator.

"I fear and respect you!" she shouts, turns three times, claps once, bows and then steps on it to ride it down a floor to Picture Me Smiling, "Jon!" she shouts, "Johnny Walker, help meeee!"

"What's going on?" Jon waves her back and she gives a flirty little smile to Nick, flips off Shane and whips out her phone.

"I need buttons. Lots and lots of buttons that say Team Smith, and I need them, like, yesterday."

"Give me your phone," Jon demands, pops the card from it and downloads the picture to their computer, "God, I love fucking with Tarra."

Heaven laughs and leans on his work table while Jon plays with the picture. In the end she ends up with 50 colored buttons and 50 in black in white that say TEAM SMITH in bold print. Heaven kisses Jon's cheek and runs off before he can charge her. She can hear Nick complaining after her. Jon has a tendency to give things away for free alot.

By the end of the day there is at least one staff member in every store wearing a button, and one out of every three customers are sporting them as well. Zach walks up and high fives Heaven, flashing his button as he goes. Tarra is waiting for Heaven at her car after she locks up.

"I am going to kill you," she says, arms folded over her chest.

Heaven gives her wide, innocent eyes, "What did I do?"

"Don't "what did I do" me," Tarra says, "You know what you did."

"No I don't," Heaven says sweetly.

"I am not talking about this," Tarra says storming away.

"But you started it!" Heaven calls after her. Tarra flips her off over her shoulder.

Heaven is totally going to hand t-shirts out with the buttons tomorrow. She calls Jon as soon as she gets home and lets him know.


Three days later Brian gets his revenge in the form of Brendon. Heaven is working the line to the Easter Bunny when they hear loud music outside the store. She looks over at Pete and Patrick and then back toward the door. Shaking her head she walks to the doorway and pokes her head out. The music is just starting over. Brian is holding a boom box he probably borrowed from Gabe on his shoulder. Brendon is dressed up in white and black, and starts dancing when the music starts back up. The dance is perfect for him since it's mostly flailing in place.

Heaven stalks over to him as calmly as she can and kicks him in the chest. He falls over flailing while she shouts, "The fucking Easter Beagle?" She grabs him by his ear and stalks over to Hallmark and deposits him with Nell, "If I see him again I'll kill him."

Nell takes one look at him and shakes her head, "The Easter Beagle, really Brendon?"

"Shut up," Brendon pouts, sticking his lower lip out, "It was Brian's idea."

"Brian has bad ideas," Nell says, "That's why I'm voting Team Smith." She flashes her button at Brendon and goes back to stocking shelves. Brendon just sticks his bottom lip out more.
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Sorry this took so long to get out kids. Here it is.